Archived by Library and Archives Canada / Archivé par Bibliothèque et archives Canada. 20-10-2004. LibraryNet Connectivity Survey: Canada Go directly  to Site  Map
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How Connected are Canadian Public Libraries to the Information Highway?

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What is the population of the area served by your library?


Percent Count Answers
12.4% 56/450  Less than 1,000
43.8% 197/450  1,000 to 9,999
25.6% 115/450  10,000 to 49,999
8.7% 39/450  50,000 to 99,999
5.3% 24/450  100,000 to 249,999
4.2% 19/450  250,000+
100.0% 450/450 Summary


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As of August 1, 2000, how many Internet connected workstations were available to the public at your library?


Basic Statistics
Count 438
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 706.00
Average 12.65
Total 5540


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Obtaining multimedia benefits from the Internet requires a minimum 486 or Power Mac computer. How many of each type of public access workstations does your library have?

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Public libraries have indicated that there are times when the demand for public Internet access exceeds the number of available workstations. How often does this event occur at your library?


Percent Count Answers
7.6% 34/445  Always
45.2% 201/445  Frequently
42.7% 190/445  Occasionally
4.5% 20/445  Never
100.0% 445/445 Summary


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Does your library charge users a fee to access the Internet?

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How many branches and/or service points covered by this response incur long distance charges when connecting to the Internet?


Basic Statistics
Count 410
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 46.00
Average 0.56
Total 230


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How does your library connect to the Internet?

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Approximately what percentage of the library's annual budget is directed towards Internet connection costs?


Percent Count Answers
71.2% 302/424  1 - 5
17.9% 76/424  6 - 10
7.5% 32/424  11 - 20
1.9% 8/424  21 - 30
1.2% 5/424  31 - 40
0.2% 1/424  40 +
100.0% 424/424 Summary


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Does your library have a Web site?


Percent Count Answers
65.1% 284/436  Yes
34.9% 152/436  No
100.0% 436/436 Summary


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What services can users access through the library's Web site?


Percent Count Answers
35.6% 160/450  Search the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)
22.2% 100/450  Reserve and/or request books from the OPAC
26.0% 117/450  Search full-text and bibliographic databases from outside the library
8.9% 40/450  Consult special collections digitized by your library
46.4% 209/450  Access community information that you have added to the Web site
12.9% 58/450  Access electronic services (e.g. pay fines, ask reference questions, register for programs, etc.)
42.0% 189/450  Find pathfinders or useful links for web searching organized by the library
42.0% 189/450  Access e-mail, e.g. via Hotmail, Excite, etc.
51.8% 233/450 Locate information or services from local, provincial and/or federal governments
13.6% 61/450  Other


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As the Internet evolves, people are demanding faster Internet connections and more powerful computers to utilize more sophisticated applications. How satisfied do you think library staff and users are with the level of Internet service provided by the Library?


1)  Staff
Percent Count Answers
25.5% 113/443  Very satisfied
60.7% 269/443  Somewhat satisfied
13.8% 61/443  Not satisfied
100.0% 443/443 Summary
2)  Users
Percent Count Answers
22.7% 99/437  Very satisfied
65.9% 288/437  Somewhat satisfied
11.4% 50/437  Not satisfied
100.0% 437/437 Summary


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Below is a list of frequently mentioned concerns about Internet access. Please indicate how serious each concern is for your library.


1)  Theft and vandalism of equipment
Percent Count Answers
5.8% 26/445  Very serious
14.4% 64/445  Somewhat serious
79.8% 355/445  Not currently a problem
100.0% 445/445 Summary
2)  Speed of Internet connections
Percent Count Answers
28.4% 126/444  Very serious
43.5% 193/444  Somewhat serious
28.2% 125/444  Not currently a problem
100.0% 444/444 Summary
3)  Number of connected computers
Percent Count Answers
17.1% 76/444  Very serious
45.7% 203/444  Somewhat serious
37.2% 165/444 Not currently a problem
100.0% 444/444 Summary
4)  Training/maintaining/upgrading staff skills
Percent Count Answers
40.1% 178/444  Very serious
45.9% 204/444  Somewhat serious
14.0% 62/444  Not currently a problem
100.0% 444/444 Summary
5)  Internet security (e.g. privacy, virus)
Percent Count Answers
22.6% 100/443  Very serious
43.6% 193/443  Somewhat serious
33.9% 150/443  Not currently a problem
100.0% 443/443 Summary
6)  Inappropriate Internet usage
Percent Count Answers
12.2% 54/443  Very serious
40.2% 178/443  Somewhat serious
47.6% 211/443  Not currently a problem
100.0% 443/443 Summary
7)  Ongoing connection costs
Percent Count Answers
33.9% 150/443  Very serious
30.9% 137/443  Somewhat serious
35.2% 156/443  Not currently a problem
100.0% 443/443 Summary
8)  Cost of replacing/updating equipment
Percent Count Answers
55.0% 244/444  Very serious
32.4% 144/444  Somewhat serious
12.6% 56/444  Not currently a problem
100.0% 444/444 Summary


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Does your library filter/block inappropriate content?


Percent Count Answers
10.8% 48/445  Yes - for all public workstations
8.5% 38/445  Yes - only for workstations in the children's section
80.7% 359/445  No
100.0% 445/445 Summary


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Does your library have an Internet Acceptable Use Policy?


Percent Count Answers
91.3% 408/447  Yes
8.7% 39/447  No
100.0% 447/447 Summary


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To get an idea of what kinds of services libraries would like to provide to their patrons, imagine your library had unlimited access to funding and bandwidth. What are the top three new services you would offer?

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Within the next two years, do you have plans to implement any of the following Internet connectivity upgrades with your foreseeable resources? 


1)  Installing new connected computers
Percent Count Answers
33.2% 146/440  Yes
26.8% 118/440  Currently underway
16.6% 73/440  Just completed
23.4% 103/440  No
100.0% 440/440 Summary
2)  Upgrading older computers
Percent Count Answers
38.4% 168/437  Yes
15.8% 69/437  Currently underway
12.4% 54/437  Just completed
33.4% 146/437  No
100.0% 437/437 Summary
3)  Replacing internal network equipment
Percent Count Answers
20.8% 89/428  Yes
16.8% 72/428  Currently underway
14.7% 63/428  Just completed
47.7% 204/428  No
100.0% 428/428 Summary
4)  Installing faster external Internet connection
Percent Count Answers
33.2% 144/434  Yes
17.5% 76/434  Currently underway
8.3% 36/434  Just completed
41.0% 178/434  No
100.0% 434/434 Summary
5)  Expanding facilities (computer labs, etc.)
Percent Count Answers
21.2% 91/429  Yes
10.3% 44/429  Currently underway
5.4% 23/429  Just completed
63.2% 271/429  No
100.0% 429/429 Summary
6)  Obtaining new software applications
Percent Count Answers
56.4% 247/438  Yes
9.8% 43/438  Currently underway
4.8% 21/438  Just completed
29.0% 127/438  No
100.0% 438/438 Summary
7)  Installing interior wiring
Percent Count Answers
18.9% 81/429  Yes
9.3% 40/429  Currently underway
15.2% 65/429  Just completed
56.6% 243/429  No
100.0% 429/429 Summary
8)  Upgrading interior wiring
Percent Count Answers
20.9% 89/425  Yes
8.9% 38/425  Currently underway
13.4% 57/425  Just completed
56.7% 241/425  No
100.0% 425/425 Summary


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Financial assistance for upgrades originates from numerous sources. How will/did your library fund the upgrade(s)?


Percent Count Answers
52.2% 235/450  From within the existing budget
42.0% 189/450  A donation from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
10.9% 49/450  Corporate donation
35.6% 160/450  Federal funds
38.2% 172/450  Provincial funds
38.9% 175/450  Municipal funds
36.7% 165/450  Local fundraising
12.4% 56/450  Other
3.3% 15/450  Not applicable


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If your library is currently unable to implement any upgrades, is it for any of the following reasons?


Percent Count Answers
2.9% 13/450  Lack of need/interest
49.3% 222/450  Lack of funding
22.0% 99/450  Waiting for local carrier/service provider to deploy/upgrade existing infrastructure
6.7% 30/450  Other
33.1% 149/450  Not applicable


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SchoolNet and LibraryNet are exploring the possibility of establishing an on-line data collection mechanism and repository of connectivity information in order to provide the library community with more accurate connectivity data on a regular basis, i.e. connection speeds, planned connectivity upgrades. Would you be interested in participating in such a pilot project?


Percent Count Answers
60.7% 266/438  Yes
39.3% 172/438  No
100.0% 438/438 Summary


..last modified: 2003.06.11 important notices..
Archived by Library and Archives Canada / Archivé par Bibliothèque et archives Canada. 20-10-2004.