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Laying the Foundation


6 Fundamental Rules | 9 Success Tips | Building a Relationship with your Donors | The Fear of Asking | Quick Fundraising Ideas | Budgeting | Press Release |

6 Fundamental Rules

Rule 1: Do Your Homework!

Rule 1: Do Your Homework!

  • Make sure that you are informed about the issues surrounding your project! You want to be knowledgeable so that you can answer questions effectively
  • Research other organizations that are working on similar issues, learn about their programs and collaborate with them
  • Learn about your donors!! Try to understand what it is about them that would make them interested in your work

Rule 2: Engage Your Donors

Rule 2: Engage Your Donors

  • Give donors a clear description of the work you will be doing
  • Give them clear objectives and goals
  • Make sure that donors feel that they are an important part of your project! Keep them involved and constantly updated!
  • Make sure to thank your donors on a regular basis
  • Think about what you can do for your donors to inspire them and make them feel involved in your work. For example: send them photographs, letters, lists of tasks you have completed, number of volunteers involved and clear examples that you are making a difference!
  • Ask your donors what they would like to receive from you, you don't want to overwhelm them and they may give you a great suggestion!

Rule 3: Develop a Solid Plan

Rule 3: Develop a Solid Plan

  • There are so many different types of fundraisers, so it is important to choose one that will work well for your group and the target amount you hope to raise
  • Start with a goal
  • Determine how much money you want/need
  • Establish a timeline
  • Once you have established the above, provide information to your target

Rule 4: Follow Up and Reporting

Rule 4: Follow Up and Reporting

  • Whether or not you are required to give a report you must always follow up with your donors at least once while your project is being implemented and once it is finished
  • Make sure to hand in reports on time and follow up with any other requirements

Canada's Digital Collections
This digital collection was produced with support from Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada.
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