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Laying the Foundation


6 Fundamental Rules | 9 Success Tips | Building a Relationship with your Donors | The Fear of Asking | Quick Fundraising Ideas | Budgeting | Press Release |


Effective budgeting is an important part of fundraising! You don't have to be a math wiz to plan a great budget! Before you get started make sure to do research on the cost of each item included in your budget. It is important to do a detailed budget! Don't leave out anything that you think you may need! Be as specific as possible and be realistic!

  • Make sure that the budget is clear and concise
  • Budgets must be easy to understand! Once you have drafted the budget give it to a friend who has no idea about your project and see if they can understand the budget without any other information
  • If you have received funding for part of the budget make sure to include that as well under "secured funding"
  • Make sure not to include any excessive costs for personal payment or travel!
  • Make sure to double check the math!

Wonky Workshops for Youth
Item Description Total
Part-time Coordinator 40 hours a month x 12 months @ $10 hour $4,800
Expert Facilitators Cover costs of experts who charge for their services, estimating $40 an hour x 20 hours. $800
Printed hand-outs For 1600 copies at $0.50 each $800
Workshop Kit Printing costs to produce Workshop Kit for participants 500 copies x $6 each $3,000
Advertising Costs Printing 250, 11x17 posters $1,600
Distribution of Posters to 40 schools For public transportation costs at $4 return per school $160


It is important to think of your funders as partners. TThese people or groups have a vested interest in the success of your project. Partnerships are not hand-outs; they are a combined effort of like-minded groups to make positive change. Make sure that you are clear on your objectives so that when you are searching for partners you are able to convey your message and assure that you have similar goals.


Whether you apply for funding from a company, foundation or individual donor, your application will be evaluated. Each funding group will use different criteria, but here are a few commonly used ones:

  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Previous experience in project area
  • Knowledge of field
  • Use of partnerships and collaborations
  • Demonstrated outcomes and objectives
  • Clear plan of action


When applying for grants and sponsorships and when answering to donors it is crucial to be accountable for what you set out to do. So:

  • make sure not to make promises that you can't keep
  • inform your donors of any changes in the project, schedule or funding process.

You and/or your organization are ultimately accountable for the money you receive, so be sure to provide them with the information they need.

Canada's Digital Collections
This digital collection was produced with support from Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada.
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