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Laying the Foundation


6 Fundamental Rules | 9 Success Tips | Building a Relationship with your Donors | The Fear of Asking | Quick Fundraising Ideas | Budgeting | Press Release |

Building a Relationship with your Donors

Donors cycle

Growing Your Donors

Donors are people that you will end up working closely with and growing close to throughout your work. There are a few important things to realize as you begin to build a relationship with your donors.

1. Don't waste time on lost causes

  • Not everyone is interested in supporting your cause, so there is no point trying to convince someone who is simply not interested.
  • Make sure to target potential donors, spending the most time and effort on those who are most likely to give.

2. Fundraising is about Dialogue not monologue

  • Listening is just as important as speaking in fundraising. You want to convey a message to your donors, but you also want to listen to their needs and interests.

3. Craft your pitch to meet the needs of the individual

  • Once you know what a donor is interested in, make sure to discuss the aspects of your project that interest them.

4. Tell the truth

  • Don't expand the truth of what you are doing. Be honest and open. You will benefit in the long run by treating donors with respect. Never promise what you can't deliver.

5. The better the relationship, the larger the gift

  • "People give money to people, not to organizations." If you have taken the time to know your donors, learn their interests and develop a solid relationship you will receive more money

www.grassrootsfundraising.org, "Everything I know About Fundraising I Learned Knocking on Doors" Robinson, Andy; 1997-2002, Chardon Press.

Why do people give money?

Of course there are many different reasons why people are interested in donating to charities. Think about some of the reasons why you have given or would give to charity. It may be because you believe in the cause, because your friend is involved or just because you want a tax receipt. Whatever the reason, people are regular donors; over 80% of charity funding comes from individual donors.

Donor Rewards

  • Donors receive direct rewards by being a part of a successful project. It is important that they are regularly informed about the progress of the project so that they can share in the successes and the challenges of the work.
  • It is also important to have regular information events or activities where donors are engaged with the organization or project, but are not asked for funds. These events will help you to grow a relationship with your donor, learn their interests, their hopes and their dreams. Remember: fundraising is about people and about relationships, so it is important to learn about your donors. Free events will differ depending on the type of work you are doing but they may include an invitation to the project site, an open house or a school concert. These events should make donors feel good for being involved in your initiative.

Canada's Digital Collections
This digital collection was produced with support from Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada.
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