George W. Rayner G. S.
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Arial Photo of Rayner Dam
Arial Photo of Rayner Dam

The George W. Rayner Generating Station is located on the outskirts of Wharncliffe, about 40 km north of Thessalon on Highway 129. It is the highest dam that Ontario Hydro has ever built, a 235 foot cement plug in the Mississagi Tunnel. Rayner was built in 1950 to meet the increasing demands of industries, mines, and homes. Aside from providing power to most of the northeastern region of Ontario, Rayner also suppies power to Blind River, and to Sudbury, where it is used in this important mining district.

The Rayner generating station, making approximately $80 000/hour was the first of four stations that were built on the Mississagi. Rayner is not used as much anymore, because Wells, located right beside it and making approximately $500 000/hour is capable of generating enough power on its own.

Rayner Info


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