" Discover the Heritage of the Baccalieu Trail "

Bristol's Hope

Population: 111 (1976)

Located on the west side of Conception Bay, about 2.5km southeast of Carbonear is the community of Bristol's Hope. It was part of the colony of Bristol's Hope, which was established in 1617 with headquarters at Harbour Grace.

The inshore cod fishery was the primary occupation that gave birth to this settlement. However, 105 schooners were also built here to capture seals at Baccalieu Island and later at Cape Bonavista.

Soon after this settlement was established, the people turned to the cultivation of the soil and raising of livestock.

The largest religious denomination in the nineteenth century was Roman Catholic, it had missions there twice a year.

From a high of 516 in 1884 the population declined during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The churches and schools closed and the farming and fishing had all disappeared.