" Discover the Heritage of the Baccalieu Trail "

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Baccalieu Trail Heritage Corporation

Major initiatives and accomplishments of the corporation include:
  1. Launch a program to preserve the region's fisheries heritage
  2. Established a regional archaeology program which encompasses 4 sites, including the first official English colony in Canada (Cupids)
  3. Achieved designation (site of national historic significance) for the rock walls at Grates Cove
  4. Successfully launched Heritage Discovery Projects in 12 communities
  5. Assisted in formation of several new community heritage groups
  6. Formed the Baccalieu Trail Heritage Alliance which brings together 20 heritage and museum groups in the region
  7. Staged a successful conference, "Community Pride: Regional Action"
  8. Received the provincial Manning Award in recognition of excellence "in the Public Presentation of Historic Places"
  9. Was a catalyst in realizing several projects throughout the region such as the acquistion of Bill Richie's whale sculpture for the South Dildo Sealing & Whaling Museum and the restoration of the Heart's Content SUF(first in province)
  10. Undertook several heritage promotional initiatives including the annual "Sharing our Heritage" tabloid, "Heritage Notes", comprising both a bi-weekly newspaper column and a Cable Television show, and a brochure promoting the Baccalieu Trail's heritage sites and museums (first such regional effort in the province)
  11. Completed an inventory of historic buildings on the Baccalieu Trail that pre-date 1920.
  12. Completed work on the historical hiking trail "Crout's Way" The trail was officially opened on June 14, 2000. A product of several years of intense study and labour.

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