" Discover the Heritage of the Baccalieu Trail "

Lower Island Cove

Population: 333 (1996)
423 (1986)

Located on the North Shore of Conception Bay is a fishing community known as Lower Island Cove. Residents have one of the best fishing area in Conception Bay, and when the local fishery would fail, they were only 15km from Baccalieu Island.

Although Lower Island Cove has little protection from storms it eventually became the largest center between Carbonear and Bay de Verde. Many factors contributed to this including; the local forest providing fuel and building materials, fresh water was available from nearby pond and there was also land for building and farming.

For most of its history, the inshore fishery was the mainstay of the economy.

After the late 1800's the population became to decrease. Many people left the fishery and moved to larger centers.