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The tartan
The half penny


Special thanks to:

  • Dominique Fortier who was the instigator of the project and first guide.
  • Daniel Rochefort, who was the first to believe in the project.
  • All the members of the CDEI, past and present.
  • Hélène Coulombe, who patiently and marvelously created the map.
  • Isabelle Langevin for her magic fingers and great inspiration in creating our logo.
  • Marc Joannette and Isabelle Langevin to have combined their talent in the conception of our sign.
  • Christiane Lussier for giving us her time and experience for the making of the business plan.
  • All of the businesses of Inverness who were the first to give some money towards the project.
  • The municipality, who followed along and doubled the amount.
  • The Caisse Populaire d'Inverness, for trusting our judgment.
  • The Bronz'Museum for its complicity, the Half Penny and for its manager, Michelle Joannette.
  • The Beef Festival, for their help and their participation.
  • La Céleste Praline (chocolate store) for its sweet savour, in and behind the counters.
  • Jean-Guy Paré, Member for Lotbinière (parti Québécois), with his enthusiasm, opened the right doors for us.
  • Odina Desrochers, Federal Deputy of Lotbinière-L'Érable (Bloc Québécois), who gave us more than we even asked for.
  • The Historical Society of Megantic for their precious work on keeping our collective memory alive.
  • Mrs Margaret Dempsey, for her disposal, her kindness and her memory.
  • Mrs Grace Cox for giving us the right to use and sell her ancestor's book, Annals of Megantic County from Dugald McKillop.
  • The Quebec Anglican Diocese and The United Church of Canada, for so kindly opening the doors of their churches for us.
  • Renaud Binette and Clément Prince, who make excellent ambassadors.
  • Denis Leblanc, a believer right from the start who preaches the good news all the way to Europe.
  • Mr Jean-Guy Côté, John Miles, Dominique Fortier and Pierre Chartrand, for accompanying our guides through the tour and telling them about the past.
  • Our student guides, Sonia Rochefort, Ashley Côté and Kevin Côté . By being so anxious to learn about their past, they gave us hope in our future. They will go far.
  • The coordinator, Marie-Ève Adam, who succeeded in giving form to what was at first only a good idea.
  • And finally, the population of Inverness, for their curiosity and their enthusiasm.

Members of the CDEI:

  • Francis Côté, President
  • Gilles Pelletier, Treasurer, Secretary
  • Jean-Yves Lalonde, Administrator
  • Terry MacMillan, Administrator
  • France Houle, Administrator

Thanks to the contributors:

  • The businesses of Inverness
  • Municipality of Inverness
  • CLD de l'Érable: Fonds en économie sociale
  • CLE de l'Érable: Concertation à l'Emploi
  • HRDC: Summer Career Placements
  • SADC: Volnet (computer)
  • CRCDCQ: Fonds de Développement Régional
  • Canada's Digital Collections, Industry Canada

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