The Celtic Way
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The Celtic Way Le CDEI

The Celtic Way
The historical project of the Inverness circuit began in the imagination of Dominique Fortier, an Inverness resident who worked during the summer season at the Bronze Museum. He noted that several visitors expressed a lot of interest in the village and in its historical buildings, especially its three small Protestant churches. Unfortunately, no infrastructure allowed the visit of the three buildings. Even more, two of the churches were still used as a place of worship for the few English-speaking Protestants of Inverness (the third one became a bronze foundry and art gallery in 1987). Dominique, who had a great passion and knowledge of Inverness history, decided to take the groups on a tour which led them from the Museum to the Academy as well as to the Boutelles cemetery followed by Lysander Falls. He told them about the history of the first colonists in Inverness, which he had learned from his father, who himself learned it from their Scottish neighbour. He brought them through the sumptuous landscapes of the Appalachian Mountains, with houses lying in the hollow of small valleys. He brought them along the majestic Lysander Falls and showed them the cemeteries and small Protestant churches located along the country roads. This historical tour enchanted the visitors.

It was not until the year 2000 that the CDEI raised enough money to start the historical project of the circuit. The first financial support came from the local industries as well as the municipality. The amount, though modest, represented a significant sum for a small municipality, and was enough to convince the local corporation of development (CLD de l'Érable) to financially support us. The Local Center for Employment also contributed in order to hire a coordinator. The essential bases were launched, and as of summer 2001, an office was rented in the center of the village, a map of the circuit was completed, a guide was hired, and The Celtic Way began its activities.

There is still much to do in order to complete the project as conceived. An important part will be some historical research through the many archives that we have discovered. This year, we acquired a small residence in the village, which kept its historical seal in spite of required repairs, and which we owe thanks to the support of Le Conseil Régional de Concertation et de Développement du Centre-du-Québec and Le Ministère des Régions du Québec.

We are also very flattered by the interest that a new Inverness resident, Julie Verreault, showed for the Celtic Way while passing by the office one day. When she saw the map she decided to send it to the staff at the Centre Marie-Anne Gaboury so that they could ask Industry Canada to approve the making of an internet site for The Celtic Way. Thanks to this initiative, you may now have a virtual visit of the Celtic Way as well as Inverness's landscapes. We insist on thanking Julie, as well as Manon Bédard and the whole team of Centre Marie-Anne Gaboury, and last but not least Industry Canada who showed an interest in what has been our passion for many years now; Inverness beauty and history.

The Celtic Way's mission :

  • Create a touristic circuit recalling the history of the colonization of the Inverness Township;
  • Promote the historical attractions in the Inverness municipality;
  • Allow the restoration of old buildings;
  • Reconstitute the history of Inverness, from the settling days until today;
  • Offer formation and perhaps jobs for the citizens of Inverness, and youth in particular;
  • Help the socio-cultural development of the region;
  • Reinforce the collaboration between Anglophone and Francophone communities of Inverness.
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