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bglogo99.gif (83113 bytes) titlehead.gif (2824 bytes)
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Honour Roll Listings
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Gallery of Photos
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Guests
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Memorial Sites for Native Veterans
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Veterans
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) History of Native Veterans
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Links to other Native Veterans Sites
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Treaty Areas of NWO
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Glossary of Terms and Phrases
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Profiles
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Articles on Native Veterans
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Thanks to those who have helped us

The Native Veterans Association of Northwestern Ontario has collected and now preserved delicate and aging historical materials, in an effort to save, protect and finally present them to the world. With funding provided by Industry Canada's Aboriginal Digital Collection Program and the Thunder Bay Public Library, an archive of materials such as photos, biographies, articles and documents can be preserved electronically and placed in files to protect them from any further damage. The Native Veterans Association in conjunction with the Thunder Bay Public Library have developed this website and photo digitization project into The Historical Archive of the Native Veterans of Northwestern Ontario. The main goal of the project is to protect the past while enhancing the accessibility of these materials to the public. This website is the first step toward recognizing the contributions made by the Native Veterans of Canada during their time representing Canada's forces (Expeditionary Force, Militia, Infantry Brigade, Army, Armed Forces).     

The main focus of this project has been on the Native Veterans of Northwestern Ontario. By this we have determined a focus on the boundaries within the treaty areas of: The Robinson-Superior Treaty of 1850, The Northwest Angle Treaty of 1873- No.3, and The James Bay Treaty No.9.
We realize that there are many Native soldiers who fought and died in the war, but due to our budget and time constraints, it was unfortunately not possible to include them all so we have kept our focus to these treaty areas.

By digitization we refer to the conversion of text and image documents to an electronic format that can be saved as a computer file. This allows the electronic version of the document to be preserved and enhanced with a minimal handling of the original documents. The digitization of the photos, documents and articles is enabling this website to be constructed. With the team that was assigned to this project, the materials available have been rapidly transformed into a product that can be preserved electronically. With the materials saved and presented in such a manner, the accomplishments of the Native Veterans, their stories, and their history will not be forgotten.The preservation of these archives is due to the perseverance and efforts of many people within the Native Veterans Association of Northwestern Ontario organization