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Teacher's Choice for Architecture
Professional Lesson Plans for Instructors

Most students will have little, if any, understanding of what architecture is or what architects do. They think building a house begins with carpenters. This series of lesson plans encourages them to think of the decisions that must be made prior to the actual start of construction. The concluding lesson focuses on the architecture of Roedde House.

The Architectural Institute of BC (AIBC) is engaged in promoting a better understanding of architecture and has in-class speakers available. (The contact is Jim Taggert, AIBC, at 683-8588.) You might check first to see if any students have parents or relatives who are architects and who might be willing to speak to the class about their job. If the class gets very interested in architecture, it would be quite exciting to visit an architect's office and see an example of CAD programs (Computer-Aided-Drawing) in action.


The students will:

  • Be introduced to the work of architects and develop a sense of why architecture is important.
  • Develop a sense of the decisions that must be made BEFORE any building actually takes place.
  • Become aware that houses are built in various styles understand how availability of raw materials and developments in technology affect the way houses are built begin to "see" architectural features and aspects of both historic and contemporary houses.
  • Consider the reasons for preservation of historic buildings.
  • Each of these plans will help you to instruct students in each of the activities for "Learning About Architecture".   Click on the above links to go to each of the different sections.

Activity 1 - Activity 2 - Activity 3
Activity 4 - Activity 5 - Activity 6

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