Strategic initiatives

Nearly all of CIHR's Strategic Initiatives involve collaboration between two or more of CIHR's Institutes as well as partnerships with organizations that include other federal and provincial government departments and agencies, national and provincial funding organizations and relevant territorial departments, health charities, non-governmental organizations, and industry. Their purpose is to offer strategic funding opportunities focusing on a specific research agenda.

Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA)

The fundamental goal of this initiative is to mobilize experts in the community to generate a longitudinal research platform based on a protocol developed through expert advice and three international peer reviews.

Drug Safety and Effectiveness Network (DSEN)

CIHR established the Drug Safety and Effectiveness Network (DSEN) in collaboration with Health Canada and other stakeholders. DSEN's key objectives are to increase:

  • the evidence on drug safety and effectiveness available to regulators, policy-makers, health care providers and patients.
  • the capacity within Canada to undertake high-quality post-market research in this area.

HIV/AIDS Research Initiative

This initiative manages and oversees the research components of the two major Government of Canada initiatives in HIV/AIDS.

Official Language Minority Communities (OLMC)

The OLMC Initiative is winding down its activities with the completion of the 2011-2012 funding opportunities. CIHR will continue to support OLMC research through the Open Operating Grants Program and/or integrated through relevant Signature Initiatives. The agency invites OLMC researchers to apply to CIHR through these programs.

Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine Initiative (RMNI)

RMNI and its partners provide support for research in nanomedicine, gene therapy, stem cells, tissue engineering, and rehabilitation sciences.

Strategic Training Initiative in Health Research (STIHR)

The Strategic Training Initiative in Health Research (STIHR) was implemented by CIHR as a way for Canada to increase its competitiveness internationally in attracting new, bright, creative research talent and to ensure innovation and excellence in the next generation of Canadian health research training programs.