Reviews of health research

Every day new health research studies are covered in the media worldwide. One day you may read that coffee is bad for your health; the next day you'll hear that the same cup of java reduces your risk of disease.

How can you sort through the complex and often conflicting world of scientific research to make sound health decisions? And where can you find accurate and reliable information written in plain language?

Each month CIHR will showcase reviews of health research as well as links to resources that relate to monthly health events and topics.

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About Cochrane

Instead of focussing a single study, Cochrane Reviews attempt to present a "big picture" view of all the evidence. The Cochrane Library contains more than 5,300 research reviews produced by an international network of over 28,000 research experts and consumer representatives from 120 countries. CIHR funds the Canadian Cochrane Centre as part of its mission to facilitate evidence-based health decisions.