International and global health collaborations

As part of its mission, CIHR seeks to lead, stimulate and facilitate effective Canadian international involvement in health research that benefits Canadians and the global community.

As defined in CIHR's Act CIHR is required to have a perspective and sphere of action that transcends national boundaries. For example, the Act provides for "the improvement of people's health in Canada and the world" and of "support for the participation of Canadian researchers in international collaboration and partnerships".

CIHR's Health Research Roadmap: Creating innovative research for better health and health care commits CIHR to invest in world class excellence by promoting international innovation through leadership and supporting international collaboration efforts in health research by:

  • attracting and retaining the best international scholars and experts
  • connecting Canadian researchers and trainees with top health researchers in the international community
  • leading the development of international health research consortia
  • facilitating health research capacity building in low- and middle-income countries
  • addressing internationally recognized global health priorities; and, proactively responding to emerging health threats

To date, CIHR has supported an increasing number of research grants and training awards with an international focus through its Investigator-Driven Research and Priority-Driven Research Funding programs, while developing a corresponding platform of international engagement activities in areas such as policy, ethics and knowledge translation.

CIHR has approximately 50 international agreements. This international work has led to cutting-edge science and contributed to the improvement of the health of Canadians and citizens throughout the world.

International collaboration

Enable Canadian researchers and decision-makers to participate in international research collaborations and to share access to the world’s best facilities, equipment, and research training environments as well as engage in policy, ethics and knowledge translation activities

Global health research

Study of health, health system and health equity issues related to low and middle-income countries (LMICs) to advance global health research, build capacity and engage in knowledge translation