Organizational structure


The CIHR Act outlines a framework for the organizational establishment of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), its governance infrastructure, responsibilities of the President and Governing Council and establishment of the CIHR Institutes.

CIHR is led by its President. Overall strategic directions are set by its Governing Council, which has a mandate to oversee the direction and management of the property, business and affairs of CIHR. The President of CIHR also serves as the Chair of Governing Council.

The Science Council (SC) is a management committee that develops, implements and reports on CIHR's research and knowledge translation strategy, in accordance with the CIHR Act and the overarching strategic directions set out by Governing Council. This includes approving funding for all research and knowledge translation initiatives.

Day-to-day management of CIHR is led by the Executive Management Committee.

CIHR has created a University Delegates' Network to keep the health research community informed of directions, initiatives and decisions of CIHR, and solicit their active participation or awareness.

In 2011, Governing Council commissioned a comprehensive review of the organization by an International Review Panel. The purpose of the external review was to ensure that we have been effective in fulfilling our mandate as outlined in the CIHR Act.


CIHR consists of 13 "virtual" institutes and three business portfolios. The Institutes and the portfolios work together to deliver our mandate.


CIHR's institutes bring together all partners in the research process – the people who fund research, those who carry it out and those who use its results – to share ideas and focus on what Canadians need: good health and the means to prevent disease and fight it when it happens. Each institute supports a broad spectrum of research in its topic areas and, in consultation with its stakeholders, sets priorities for research in those areas.

Each of CIHR's 13 Institutes is led by a Scientific Director, supported by an Institute Advisory Board.


CIHR has three business portfolios:

Research and Knowledge Translation (RKT) is responsible for the design, development and administration of CIHR's funding programs and corporate science policies. RKT consists of:

  • Program Support and Business Transformation
  • Science, Knowledge Translation and Ethics
  • Open Programs
  • Strategic Programs Design and Analytics
  • Platforms and Major Initiatives
  • Secretariat on Responsible Conduct of Research

Public, Government and Institute Affairs (PGIA) engages stakeholders, builds partnerships and supports CIHR's Institutes in order to maximize the impact of Canadian health research. PGIA consists of:

  • Partnerships and Citizen Engagement 
  • PAN - Institute Affairs and Initiatives
  • Communications and Public Outreach
  • Strategic Policy and External Relations

Resource Planning and Management (RPM) oversees CIHR's finances, human resources, and information technology and monitors and reports on our performance. RPM consistes of:

  • Human Resources
  • Finance
  • Information, Technology and Administration Management Services (ITAMS)
  • Performance and Accountability
  • Legal Affairs & Strategic Issues