Pathways to Health Equity for Aboriginal Peoples

Promoting research on health equity for Aboriginal populations is an important part of the work of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). To better understand what programs and policies will work to promote health equity, there is an urgent need to collaborate with and learn from Aboriginal communities. Once Aboriginal communities have a better idea of what works to promote health equity, they will be in a position to implement and scale-up interventions to reach more people and share the benefits broadly and equally, achieving health equity for all.

To promote health equity among Aboriginal peoples, and as part of its work to turn knowledge into improved health, CIHR has launched a signature initiative called Pathways to Health Equity for Aboriginal Peoples. The overall goal of the Pathways initiative is to develop a better understanding of how to design, launch and scale-up interventions in four exemplar areas: suicide, tuberculosis, diabetes/obesity and oral health. Pathways research will help create better preventive health services, healthier communities, and health equity for Aboriginal peoples in Canada.

Contact Information

Paul Belanger
Assistant Director
Institute of Aboriginal Peoples' Health
Phone: 613-941-6465