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Annual Report on the Privacy Act 2006-2007


The Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages continues to receive a few access requests under the Privacy Act. During the 2006–2007 fiscal year, the Office of the Commissioner received six requests.

Statistical Report

The 2006–2007 statistical report of the Office of the Commissioner on the Privacy Act is attached as an appendix to this report.

Interpretation of Statistical Report

No particular trend or application of exemptions and exclusions is noted.

Institutional Policies and Procedures

The responsibility for responding to privacy requests rests with Information Management and Information Technology. We continue to develop internal procedures and communicate them to staff in writing, during information sessions or on an individual basis.

Organization of Activities and Delegation of Authority

The Privacy Coordinator has the delegated authority to oversee the implementation of the Privacy Act within the Office of the Commissioner and to ensure compliance with the legislation.

Significant Changes

Not applicable.

Description of the Institutional Information Management Framework

In accordance with the Privacy Act, the information gathered at the Office of the Commissioner is used only for the purpose for which it has been obtained and is primarily of a utilitarian nature (e.g., name and address of persons who file complaints with the Commissioner under the Official Languages Act, mailing lists, compensation, leave, travel). This information, among other things, enables the Commissioner to inform those concerned of the findings of his investigations or contributes to the effective management of his organization’s human and material resources.

Education and Training Activities

In 2006–2007, staff at the Office of the Commissioner was made aware of the Act through written communications, information sessions and advice to individual employees.

Complaints and Investigations

Not applicable.

Appeals to Federal Court

Not applicable.

Privacy Breach

A privacy breach occurred at the Office of the Commissioner during the 2006–2007 fiscal year. The situation has since been rectified, and a letter explaining the privacy breach has been sent to the Privacy Commissioner.