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See also:

The official languages of Canada’s population

The following pages contain data on mother tongue, knowledge of official languages, first official language spoken and the language most often spoken at home.

Second language learning

French-Second-Language Enrolment TrendsExternal site

The organization Canadian Parents for French publishes each year data on enrolment in core French and French immersion programs.

Language of work

Using Languages at Work in Canada, 2006 Census: FindingsGovernment site

An analysis of data on the use of English, French and non-official languages in the Canadian labour market.

Statistics on official languages in the federal public serviceGovernment site

The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat releases statistics on the number of bilingual positions and Anglophone and Francophone employees in the federal public service.

Canadian diversity

Linguistic Profile of the Bilingual Visible Minority Population in Canada

Linguistic diversity and the immigrant populationGovernment site

Public opinion on official languages

The Evolution of Public Opinion on Official Languages in Canada (survey carried out in February 2006)

Canadian attitudes toward language-immersion programsExternal site (survey carried out in May and June 2007.


2001 Census Data