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Martin Frobisher: The Pirate-Explorer


1539 Born in Yorkshire, England
1553 Goes on expedition to West Africa
1562 Imprisoned by Portuguese in West Africa
1560s and 1570s Involved in privateering and piracy
1576 First voyage: trying to find the Northwest Passage
1577 Second voyage: search for gold
1578 Third voyage: mining for gold
1588 Commands the ship Triumph against the Spanish Armada
1594 Dies following a battle with the Spanish in France


First Voyage Michael,
Gabriel and a
smaller ship
Second Voyage Michael,
Gabriel and
Third Voyage Michael
Anne Frances
Armonell of Exmouth
Francis of Fowey
Thomas of Ipswich
Judith, Salomon of Weymouth
Beare Leicester
Barke Dennis
Emanuel of Bridgwater
Thomas Allen
Mone of Fowey
Battle against Spanish Armada Triumph

*Ships in bold are the ships that Frobisher commanded personally. The others were on the same journey, but were commanded by other men.


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