Canadian Journal of Surgery / Journal canadienne de chirurgie

February / février 1996

Can J Surg 1996; 39 (1)

Contents / Table des matières

Editors' View / Mot de la rédaction
4 - The journal evolves; Le Journal évolue, J.L. Meakins

Quill on Scalpel / Plume et scalpel
5 - Duplex scanning in renal and mesenteric artery occlusive disease, A.M. Graham [full text]
7 - Trauma-room chest x-ray films, J.P. Waddell [full text]

Surgical Images / Imagier chirurgical
8 - Bleeding Meckel's diverticulum, D.P. Girvan

Radiology for the surgeon / Chirurgie et radiologie
10 - Case 7. Presentation
35 - Case 7. Diagnosis, M. Garant, L.A. Stein

Surgical practice / Pratique chirurgicale
11 - Fluid resuscitation of the trauma patient: How much is enough?, S.M. Hamilton, P. Breakey [abstract / résumé]

17 - Follow-up of renal and mesenteric artery revascularization with duplex ultrasonography, D.C. Taylor, G.T.M. Houston, C. Anderson, M. Jameson, S. Popatia [abstract / résumé]

Original Articles / Articles originaux
21 - Comparison between open and arthroscopic acromioplasties: evaluation of absenteeism, P. Kinnard, K. Van Hoef, D. Major, R. Lirette [abstract / résumé]
26 - Indomethacin and ketorolac given preoperatively are equally effective in reducing early postoperative pain after laparoscopic cholecystectomy, A. Forse, H. El-Beheiry, P.O. Butler, R.F. Pace [abstract / résumé]
31 - Effect of pH modification by bicarbonate on pain after subcutaneous lidocaine injection, S.M. Parham, J.L. Pasieka [abstract / résumé]
36 - Role of the trauma-room chest x-ray film in assessing the patient with severe blunt traumatic injury, B.A. McLellan, J. Ali, M.J. Towers, P.W. Sharkey [abstract / résumé]
42 - Opening the pleura during internal mammary artery harvesting: advantages and disadvantages, I.M. Ali, P. Lau, C.E. Kinley, A. Sanalla [abstract / résumé]

Case Reports / Études de cas
48 - Dysphagia lusoria: extrathoracic surgical management, M. Taylor, K.A. Harris, A.G. Casson, G. DeRose, W.G. Jamieson
53 - Colonic carcinoma presenting as an appendiceal abscess in a young woman, J.A. Ramsay, T.H. Rose, T. Ross
57 - Post-traumatic small-bowel stricture: a case report, C.H.L. Law, F.D. Brenneman, S.B. Rizoli, B.R. Boulanger, S.S. Hanna
59 - Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome, M.M. Carr, C.G. Jamieson, G. Lal
63 - Left hilar mass with obstruction of the main bronchus due to localized pseudoaneurysm of the thoracic aorta, J.M. Lukanich, A.A. Conlan
67 - Infected internal iliac artery aneurysm: a case report, D. Hassan, B.G. Ulmer, D. McFadden

History of surgery / Histoire de chirurgie
72 - Dr. Norman Bethune as a surgeon, I.B. Rosen

9 - SESAP VIII Question / Question SESAP VIII
10 - Notice of change of address / Avis de changement d'adresse
16 - SESAP VIII Critique / Critique SESAP VIII
20 - Notices / Avis
66 - Reviewers 1995 / Examinateurs 1995
78 - Book reviews / Critiques de livres
80 - Instructions for authors
83 - Directives aux auteurs
86 - Service information / Renseignements aux lecteurs
87 - Classified advertising / Annonces classées

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