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le 20 février 2001 / February 20, 2001

JAMC 2001; 164(4)
Highlights of this issue
Éditorial Editorial |
453 |
A ban on asbestos: Is now the time?
PDF] |
455 |
Interdiction de l'amiante : Le moment est-il venu?
PDF] |

Recherche Research |
469 |
Preventive health care, 2001 update: screening mammography among women aged 4049 years at average risk of breast cancer
J. Ringash, with the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care
PDF] |
Le point sur les soins de santé préventifs en l'an 2001 : le dépistage du cancer du sein au moyen de la mammographie chez les femmes de 40 à 49 ans exposées à un risque moyen
J. Ringash et le Groupe d'étude canadien sur les soins de santé préventifs
PDF] |
479 |
Physicians' prevention practices and incidence of neonatal group B streptococcal disease in 2 Canadian regions
H.D. Davies, C.E. Adair, A. Schuchat, D.E. Low, R.S. Sauve, A. McGeer, the Alberta Neonatal Group B Streptococcal Network and the Toronto Invasive Bacterial Diseases Network
PDF] |
Commentaire Commentary |
489 |
A call for an international ban on asbestos
J. LaDou, P. Landrigan, J.C. Bailar III, V. Foa, A. Frank, on behalf of the Collegium Ramazzini
PDF] |
491 |
A ban on asbestos must be based on a comparative risk assessment
M. Camus
PDF] |
495 |
Should Canadian health care professionals support the call for a worldwide ban on asbestos?
J. Siemiatycki
PDF] |
498 |
Screening mammography for women aged 4049: Are we off the fence yet?
M.B. Barton
PDF] |
Synthèse Review |
503 |
Environment and health: 9. The science of risk assessment
J.C. Bailar III, A.J. Bailer
PDF] |
509 |
Bioethics for clinicians: 23. Disclosure of medical error
P.C. Hébert, A.V. Levin, G. Robertson
PDF] |
517 |
The management of hypertension in Canada: a review of current guidelines, their shortcomings and implications for the future
F.A. McAlister, N.R.C. Campbell, K. Zarnke, M. Levine, I.D. Graham
PDF] |
527 |
De l'Oreille Gauche The Left Atrium [HTML] |
- Good people in bad systems (book review by D.J. Doyle) [PDF]
- The pharmaceutical art of Colleen Wolstenholme (review by D. Moulton) [PDF]
- Office visit (by Emily Carr) [PDF]
- M. Clarfield takes his gas mask to the mall [PDF]
- D. Francis digs up some dirt on a grave subject [PDF]
531 |
Nouvelles News |
- Making the difficult leap from academic to clinical ethics
- Doctors asked to take pledge to shun drug company freebies
Pulse: Canada ranks near top in health spending: OECD
Private PET-scanning clinic opens in Vancouver
Cigarettes leave you breathless
Asbestos manufacturers dodge litigation
Angry medical examiners withdraw services in Manitoba
Crackdown on hospital incinerators coming soon
"Viagra" finds ready market in China
CMAJ no longer just a Canadian journal, eCMAJ survey indicates
Saskatoon firm wins country's first contract to cultivate medical marijuana
The epidemiology of murder: UK physician responsible for 345 deaths?
On the Net: A cornucopia of medical images on the Net
Participation "pathetic" in hospital-based energy-saving program
Clinical Update: No link between cellular-phone use and brain tumours?
Public Health: Botulism in Canada
Gens de cur Heart & Soul |
608 |
Cross-border medicine
D. Moulton
PDF] |
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Droit d'auteur 2001 Association médicale canadienne ou ses concédants |