Canadian Medical Association Journal / Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne

July 1, 1995 / Le 1er juillet 1995

CMAJ 1995; 153 (1)
Editor's Page / Page du rédacteur
7 - Looking ahead; Regard vers l'avenir, B.P. Squires [full text / texte complet]

Letters / Correspondance

Clinical Practice Guidelines / Guides de pratique clinique
19 - Hemophilia and von Willebrand's disease: 1. Diagnosis, comprehensive care and assessment, Association of Hemophilia Clinic Directors of Canada [full text]

Original Research / Nouveautés en recherche
29 - Complementary health care services: a survey of general practitioners' views, M. Goldszmidt, C. Levitt, E. Duarte-Franco, J. Kaczorowski [abstract / résumé]

37 - Frequent users of ambulatory health care in Quebec: the case of doctor-shoppers, M. Demers [abstract / résumé]

Editorial / Éditorial
45 - Integrating complementary medicine and health care services into practice, J.W. LaValley, M.J. Verhoef [abstract / résumé]

From the CCDR / Du RMTC
51 - Laboratory reports of human viral and selected nonviral agents in Canada -- 1993

54 - Rapports de laboratoire sur les infections virales et certaines infections non virales au Canada -- 1993

Special Supplement / Supplément spécial
63 - Canadian Adverse Drug Reaction Newsletter

67 - Bulletin canadien sur les effets indésirables des médicaments

At a Glance / Aperçu - 71

Children's Health / Santé des enfants et des adolescents
73 - Debate about parents' right to spank causes divisions among MDs, L. Cohen

Conferences / Conférences
77 - Barer and Stoddart revisit the issue of funding academic health centres, P. Harrison [abstract / résumé]

Vista / Panorama
80 - Death, where is thy sting?, D. Waugh

Public Health / Santé publique
83 - Canada must be alert to threat of imported wild poliovirus, working group says, J. Rafuse [abstract / résumé]

Special Report / Document
85 - After years of steady growth, winds of restraint blowing on prescription-drug industry, A. Robinson [abstract / résumé]

Health Care / Les soins
89 - The brave new world of managed care, M. Korcok [abstract / résumé]

Environment / Environnement
92 - Indoor air quality a major public-health issue, workshop told, L. Cohen [abstract / résumé]

International Medicine / Médecine internationale
94 - Spas accepted part of health care in Czech Republic, S. Thorne

Instructions for Authors / Directives aux auteurs - 57

Advertisers' Index / Index des annonceurs - 128

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