Canadian Medical Association Journal / Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne

Oct. 1, 1995 / Le 1er octobre 1995

CMAJ 1995; 153 (7)

Contents / Table des matières

875 - Editor's Page \ Page du rédacteur
Drugs of choice; Les médicaments de choix, B.P. Squires [full text / texte complet]

879 - Letters \ Correspondance

895 - Systematic Review \ Examen critique systématique
Hereditary aspects of prostate cancer, D.L. McLellan, R.W. Norman [abstract / résumé]

901 - Guidelines Workshop \ Atelier sur les guides de pratique
Report on activities and attitudes of organizations active in the clinical practice guidelines field, A.O. Carter, R.N. Battista, M.J. Hodge, S. Lewis, A. Basinski, D. Davis [full text / résumé]

Original Research \ Nouveautés en recherche
909 - Declaring pediatric brain death: current practice in a Canadian pediatric critical care unit, B.L. Parker, T.C. Frewen, S.D. Levin, D.A. Ramsay, G.B. Young, R.H. Reid, N.C. Singh, J.M.R. Gillett [abstract / résumé]
919 - Preferences of program directors for evaluation of candidates for postgraduate training, J.L. Provan, L. Cuttress [abstract / résumé]
925 - Evaluation of a tuberculosis screening program for high-risk students in Toronto schools, L. Yuan, E. Richardson, P.R.W. Kendall [abstract / résumé]

933 - Case Report \ Étude de cas
Ocular alkali burn associated with automobile air-bag activation, J.E. White, K. McClafferty, R.B. Orton, A.C. Tokarewicz, E.S. Nowak [abstract / résumé]

935 - Editorial \ Éditorial
The dilemma of hereditary prostate cancer, J.C. Nickel [abstract / résumé]

941 - Platform \ Tribune
Acknowledging the weather-health link, J.L. Bart, D.A. Bourque [abstract / résumé]

Special Supplement \ Supplément spécial
949 - Canadian Adverse Drug Reaction Newsletter
953 - Bulletin canadien sur les effets indésirables des médicaments

961 - At A Glance \ Aperçu

963 - International Medicine \ Médecine internationale
Medicolegal hell in Texas, M. Korcok [abstract / résumé]

967 - Reflections \ Réflexions
The politics of despair: AIDS and the failure of treatment, I. D. Mackie [full text / résumé]

969 - Vista \ Panorama
Potholes on the road of life, D. Waugh [full text]

973 - History \ Promenade dans le passé
Montreal museum exhibit provides clear picture of advances in medical imaging, J. Hamilton [abstract / résumé]

978 - Association News \ À l'écoute de l'AMC
General Council should remain CMA's ultimate authority, Committee on Structure told, J. Rafuse [abstract / résumé]

980 - Letter from London \ Lettre de Londres
The strange case of the misplaced suppository, C. Richmond [abstract / résumé]

984 - Medical Education \ Éducation médicale
University of Calgary marks 25 years of medical training, L. Sears Williams [abstract / résumé]

986 - Viewpoint \ Point de vue
Why is it important to study hereditary cancer?, E. Warner [abstract / résumé]

990 - Resources \ Ressources
Ontario's health-information service a province-wide resource for patients, H. Koba [full text / résumé]

992 - Deaths \ Avis de décés

996 - Travel \ Voyages
Resources available to help family physicians provide advice to travellers, O. Lechky [full text / résumé]

999 - History \ Promenade dans le passé
Graduate university course another sign of continuing interest in medical history, P. Johnston [abstract / résumé]

1001 - Health Care \ Les soins
Quebec hopes to overcome province's surgical-delay problem, M. Martin [full text / résumé]

891 - Conferences \ Conférences

945 - Acknowledgement of scientific reviewers \ Remerciements aux examinateurs scientifiques

1003 - Therapeutic Index \ Index thérapeutique

1036 - Service Information \ Renseignements aux lecteurs

1037 - Classified Advertising \ Annonces classées

1052 - Advertisers' Index \ Index des annonceurs

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