Medicine Wheel
4 Sacred Directions
Medicine Wheel

The smudge is offered to the Creator, Grandmother Earth and Grandfather Sky. 

We face the East: Great Spirit of light, come to us out of the East, with the power of the sun. Let us remember always that you gave the gift of a new day. 

We Face the South: Great Spirit of Creation, send us the warm soothing winds from the South. Unfold us like the gentle breeze that unfolds the leaves on the trees. 

We Face the West: Great Life Giving Spirit, we face the west, the direction of sun down. 
Let us remember every day, that the moment will come when our sun will go down. 

We Face the North: Great Spirit of Love, come to us with the power of the North. 
Make us courageous when the cold winds falls upon us.

Other Sacred Teachings
 The 4 Sacred Plants
A Native Prayer
Prayers to the 4 Directions
The Drum
 The Dream Catcher
 The Eagle
 Medicine Wheel
 Traditional PowWow
Sweet Grass Ceremony

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Created: July 5, 1999
Copyright ©1999 Lennox Island Learning Centre
Updated: October 13, 1999