Medicine Wheel
4 Sacred Plants
Medicine Wheel

The four sacred plants (Sweet Grass, Tobacco, Cedar and Sage) are mixed equally together to form a sacred smudge used in the sweet grass purification ceremony. 

Sweet Grass:   Represents kindness and is burned to allow good spirits to enter. 

Tobacco:   Is used for giving thanks.  It is offered to Elders in exchange for advice and information.  It is also offered to the Drum Keeper as an offering. 

Cedar:  Is from the tree of life and is burned to drive out negative forces. 

Sage:   Is viewed as a women’s medicine and offers strength, wisdom and clarity of purpose.  It is symbolic of the life giving powers of women.

Other Sacred Teachings
 The 4 Sacred Plants
A Native Prayer
Prayers to the 4 Directions
The Drum
 The Dream Catcher
 The Eagle
 Medicine Wheel
 Traditional PowWow
Sweet Grass Ceremony

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Created: July 5, 1999
Copyright ©1999 Lennox Island Learning Centre
Updated: October 13, 1999