Medicine Wheel
Sweet Grass Ceremony
Medicine Wheel
The Sweet Grass Ceremony begins when the Sweet Grass or Smudge is lit.  First the Sweet Grass is offered to the Creator, then to the Spirit Keeper of the East, then the South, West and North.  It is offered to Mother Earth and finally to Father Sky.  After the area has been cleansed each individual present is then smudged. Each person is to fan the Sweet Grass smoke first to their heart, second to their mind, third around their body and lastly return the smoke to their heart. Sweet Grass is a sacred herb which has the property to bring the positive energies of love.  A Sweet Grass Ceremony is a cleansing, purification and healing process.  The Ceremony serves as an opening for prayer circles, gatherings and other higher ceremonies.  The Sweet Grass Ceremony is over when all the people have been smudged. Once the area has been cleansed a sacred place now exists for any events to follow.
Other Sacred Teachings
 The 4 Sacred Plants
A Native Prayer
Prayers to the 4 Directions
The Drum
 The Dream Catcher
 The Eagle
 Medicine Wheel
 Traditional PowWow
Sweet Grass Ceremony

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Created: July 5, 1999
Copyright ©1999 Lennox Island Learning Centre
Updated: October 13, 1999