Medicine Wheel
Medicine Wheel

The eagle is symbolic to Native people.  We pay much respect to the eagle and the eagle feather because they unite us with the Spirit World.  There are many interpretations of the thunderbird.  We call the eagle the “thunderbird” because he is the only creature gifted with the ability to fly high up in the heavens among lighting and thunder.  The rays of the sun shine on the eagle when it flies in the heavens.  The sun, of course, is considered our Brother who has many powers.   Because the eagle is sacred and holy, we must continue to respect the eagle.
Other Sacred Teachings
 The 4 Sacred Plants
A Native Prayer
Prayers to the 4 Directions
The Drum
 The Dream Catcher
 The Eagle
 Medicine Wheel
 Traditional PowWow
Sweet Grass Ceremony

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[Treaty 1752] [Ownership] [Treaty 1760]

Created: July 5, 1999
Copyright ©1999 Lennox Island Learning Centre
Updated: October 13, 1999