Medicine Wheel
Native Prayer
Medicine Wheel

Oh great Spirit,
Whose voice I hear in the wind,
hear me for I am young, small and weak.
I need your strength and wisdom.
I seek strength oh great one,
not to be superior to my brothers,
but to conquer my greatest enemy, Myself.
I seek wisdom,
the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock,
so that I may carry this message of life and hope
to my people.
May my hands respect the many beautiful things
you have made.  May my ears be sharp to hear your
voice.  May I always walk in your beauty and let
my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunsets.
So when life fades like the setting Sun my Spirit
will come to you without shame.
I have spoken.
Written by Chief Dan George
Other Sacred Teachings
 The 4 Sacred Plants
A Native Prayer
Prayers to the 4 Directions
The Drum
 The Dream Catcher
 The Eagle
 Medicine Wheel
 Traditional PowWow
Sweet Grass Ceremony

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Created: July 5, 1999
Copyright ©1999 Lennox Island Learning Centre
Updated: October 13, 1999