Quill on Scalpel / Plume et scalpel
93 - The loin pain-hematuria syndrome, Y. Taguchi [full text]
94 - Surgery in the elderly patient: a time for reappraisal, J.-L. Caron [full text]
Surgical Images / Imagier chirurgical
96 - Multiple endocrine neoplasia type IIB, N. Schmidt [full text]
Radiology for the Surgeon / Chirurgie et radiologie
98 - Case 8. Presentation, L.A. Stein [full text]
120 - Case 8. Diagnosis, L.A. Stein [full text]
Original Articles / Articles originaux
99 - Indications for intensive care unit care after carotid endarterectomy, L. Passerini [abstract / résumé]
105 - The impact and consequences of hip fracture in Ontario, S.B. Jaglal, P.G. Sherry, J. Schatzker [full text / résumé]
114 - Validity of visual inspection of diagnostic peritoneal lavage fluid, K.W. Gow, L.P. Haley, P.T. Phang [abstract / résumé]
121 - Renal autotransplantation in patients with loin pain-hematuria syndrome, J.P. Karvelas, E.W. Ramsey [abstract / résumé]
128 - Relation between clinical and mammographic diagnosis of breast problems and the cancer/biopsy rate, E.E. Sterns [abstract / résumé]
133 - Reuse of disposable laparoscopic instruments: cost analysis, J.-G. DesCôteaux, L. Tye, E.C. Poulin [abstract / résumé]
142 - The influence of age on the severity of peritonitis, J.M. Watters, J.M. Blakslee, R.J. March, M.L. Redmond [full text / résumé]
Case Reports / Études de cas
147 - Brain tumour surgery in the elderly: a brief reappraisal, M. Bernstein [full text / résumé]
151 - Delayed rupture of the spleen and streptokinase therapy, R. Nam, M.M. Carr, C.G. Jamieson [abstract / résumé]
155 - Surgical treatment of pancreatic cholera: a case report, A.W. Kirkpatrick, S.S. Hanna, B.A.J. Skinner [abstract / résumé]
159 - Combined endarterectomy of the internal carotid artery and persistent hypoglossal artery: an unusual case of carotid revascularization, R. Cartier, P. Cartier, G. Hudon, M. Rousseau [abstract / résumé]
163 - Intra-arterial fibrinolytic treatment for mesenteric arterial embolus: a case report, S.T.M. Kwauk, J.H. Bartlett, P. Hayes, K.C. Chow [abstract / résumé]
168 - Correspondence / Correspondance
119 - Notices / Avis
139 - SESAP VIII Question / Question SESAP VIII
158 - SESAP VIII Critique / Critique SESAP VIII
169 - Notice of change of address / Avis de changement d'adresse
170 - Book reviews / Critiques de livres
172 - Books received / Livres reçus
173 - Service information / Renseignements aux lecteurs
174 - Classified advertising / Annonces classées