Canadian Medical Association Journal / Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne

May 1, 1995 / Le 1er mai 1995

CMAJ 1995; 152 (9)

Contents / Table des matières

Editor's Page / Page du rédacteur
1371 - Communication research; Recherche sur la communication, P. Huston [full text / texte complet]

Letters / Correspondance - 1375

Editorial / Éditorial
1389 - Physician supply in Ontario: further observations on SHARP and the SHARP projections, F.T. Denton, A. Gafni, B.G. Spencer [abstract / résumé]

Platform / Tribune
1395 - Physician-workforce and educational planning in Canada: Has the pendulum swung too far?, E. Ryten
1401 - Defining basic services and de-insuring the rest: the wrong diagnosis and the wrong prescription, M.M. Rachlis [abstract / résumé]

Health Care Services / Services de santé
1409 - Core and comprehensive health care services: 3. Ethical issues, D.M. Sawyer, J.R. Williams [abstract / résumé]

Clinical Practice Guidelines / Guides de pratique clinique
1413 - Guidelines for the use of allergen immunotherapy, Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology [abstract / résumé]

Current Review / Actualités
1423 - Effective physician-patient communication and health outcomes: a review, M.A. Stewart [abstract / résumé]

Original Research / Nouveautés en recherche
1437 - Quality assessment of a discharge summary system, C. van Walraven, A.L. Weinberg [abstract / résumé]
1445 - Cost-effectiveness of induction of labour versus serial antenatal monitoring in the Canadian Multicentre Postterm Pregnancy Trial, R. Goeree, M. Hannah, S. Hewson, for the Canadian Multicentre Postterm Pregnancy Trial Group [abstract / résumé]

Science in Medicine / Science médicale
1453 - Age, physical trauma and care, A. Robinson [abstract / résumé]

Editorial Policy / Politique rédactionnelle
1459 - Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals, International Committee of Medical Journal Editors
1466 - Exigences uniformes pour les manuscrits présentés aux revues biomédicales, Comité international des rédacteurs de revues médicales

At a Glance / Aperçu - 1479

Vista / Panorama
1481 - When the guns fell silent, D. Waugh
1482 - Lorsque les canons se sont tus, D. Waugh

Regulations / Réglementation
1483 - Manitoba targets patient overuse as it tackles abuse of health care system, J. Stewart

Business / Les affaires
1485 - Advent of mail-order pharmacy causes concern among some pharmacists, D. Spurgeon

Women's Health / Santé des femmes
1488 - Failure to pursue indications of spousal abuse could lead to tragedy, physicians warned, L. Sears Williams

Perspectives / Optique
1492 - Disabilities give some physicians a fresh insight into their profession, E. LeBourdais

The Law / Questions juridiques
1495 - Informed consent by children: the new reality, E.-H. Kluge

Trends / Tendances
1500 - Family physicians can play important role helping women overcome drinking problems, O. Lechky

Conferences / Conférences
1505 - Medicare "Canada's postwar miracle," US management expert tells CMA conference, J. Rafuse [abstract / résumé]

Research / Recherche
1507 - Create culture of integrity to defeat research fraud, funding agencies say, F. Lowry [abstract / résumé]

International Medicine / Médecine internationale
1509 - Australia hopes new strategy will improve health services for aboriginal population, J. Brooks

Smoking and Health / Le tabagisme et la santé
1512 - American cigarettes have become a status symbol in smoke-saturated China, J. Brooks

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