| VDAM Sommaire |

Index par titre

Illustration: Paul Rivoche

Illustration: Paul Rivoche

Liste alphabétique :

A....... B....... C....... D....... E....... F....... G....... H....... I....... J....... K....... L....... M....... N....... O....... P....... Q....... R....... S....... T....... U....... V....... W....... X....... Y....... Z.......

À la recherche de Monsieur Goodtheim: novellas de science-fiction
Sernine, Daniel

The Adolescence of P-1
Ryan, Thomas J.

After the Fact
Holden, Hélène

Afternoons in Utopia: Tales of the New Time
Leacock, Stephen

Agénor, Agénor, Agénor et Agénor
Barcelo, François

Aller simple pour Saguenal
Trudel, Jean-Louis

L'Année 1977-1978 de la science-fiction et du fantastique
Goimard, Jacques

Les Anthropoïdes
Bessette, Gérard

L'Araignée du silence et autres nouvelles
Jolicoeur, Louis

Around the Mountain: Scenes from Montreal Life
Hood, Hugh

La Belle Bête
Blais, Marie-Claire

April, Jean-Pierre

Bibliographie analytique de la science-fiction et du fantastique québécois (1960-1985)
Boivin, Aurélien, Maurice Émond et Michael Lord

Blood Price
Huff, Tanya

Reeves-Stevens, Garfield

Brave New World
Huxley, Aldous

Coney, Michael

Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy
Ketterer, David

Leclerc, Félix

Children of the Rainbow
Green, Terence M.

Le Crime de l'enchanteresse
Pelletier, Francine

Chroniques du pays des mères
Vonarburg, Élisabeth

Sernine, Daniel

The Colours of War
Cohen, Matt

The Coming of Wisdom
Duncan, Dave

Consider Her Ways
Grove, Frederick Phillip

Les Contes de l'ombre
Sernine, Daniel

Rochon, Esther

Count Zero
Gibson, William

Courtship Rite
Kingsbury, Donald

Daughters of Earth: Three Novels
Merril, Judith

Deathwing over Veynaa
Hill, Douglas

The Difference Engine
Gibson, William and Bruce Sterling

The Dirty Scenario
Ballem, John

Distant Signals and Other Stories
Weiner, Andrew

The Divide
Wilson, Robert Charles

The Dominion in 1983
Centennius, Ralph

The Double Hook
Watson, Sheila

Herbert, Frank

L'Eldorado dans les glaces
Chabot, Denys

Ender's Game
Card, Orson Scott

Les Enfants du sabbat
Hébert, Anne

L'Épuisement du soleil
Rochon, Esther

L'Étranger sous la ville
Rochon, Esther

Kilian, Crawford

Fahrenheit 451
Bradbury, Ray

The Fellowship of the Ring: Being the First Part of "The Lord of the Rings"
Tolkien, J.R.R.

La Forêt de métal
Pelletier, Francine

Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft

The Gaian Expedient
Drew, Wayland

Gate of Darkness, Circle of Light
Huff, Tanya

Les Gélules utopiques
Bouchard, Guy

Golden Fleece
Sawyer, Robert J.

The Golden Pine Cone
Clark, Catherine Anthony

The Great Victorian Collection
Moore, Brian

Wilson, Robert Charles

The Handmaid's Tale
Atwood, Margaret

The Harvest
Wilson, Robert Charles

The Heart of the Ancient World
Roberts, Charles G.D.

High Spirits
Davies, Robertson

I, Robot
Asimov, Isaac

Kilian, Crawford

Saunders, Charles R.

In the Morning of Time
Roberts, Charles G.D.

Inspecting the Vaults
McCormack, Eric

Invitation to the Game
Hughes, Monica

Journey to Aprilioth
Kernaghan, Eileen

The Keeper of the Isis Light
Hughes, Monica

Killing Ground: The Canadian Civil War
Powe, Bruce

The Kingdom of the Cats
Gotlieb, Phyllis

The Last Canadian
Heine, William C.

The Last Whales
Abbey, Lloyd

Looking Forward: The Strange Experience of the Rev. Fergus McCheyne
Pedley, Hugh

Machine Sex ... and Other Stories
Dorsey, Candas Jane

Magic Realism
Hancock, Geoff, ed.

The Magic Stones
Layton, Aviva

Les Maisons de cristal
Perrot-Bishop, Annick

Man in the Glass Octopus
Yates, J. Michael

The Man Who Awoke
Manning, Laurence

Marching Through Georgia
Stirling, S.M.

Maria Chapdelaine
Hémon, Louis

Mary Melville the Psychic
MacDonald, Flora

The Master of the Microbe: A Fantastic Romance
Service, Robert W.

Memory Wire
Wilson, Robert Charles

La Mer au fond du monde
Champetier, Joël

Spears, Heather

de Lint, Charles

More Wandering Stars: An Anthology of Jewish Fantasy and Science Fiction
Dann, Jack, ed.

Mourir comme un chat
Yance, Claude-Emmanuelle

Gibson, William

Next Stop -- Mars!: A Novel of the First Space-Ship Voyage to the Red Planet
Edwards, David

Northern Frights
Hutchison, Don ed.

Nos amis robots
Martel, Suzanne

Not to be Taken at Night: Thirteen Classic Canadian Tales of Mystery and the Supernatural
Colombo, John Robert and Michael Richardson, compilers

Not Wanted on the Voyage
Findley, Timothy

O Master Caliban
Gotlieb, Phyllis

Other Canadas: An Anthology of Science Fiction and Fantasy
Colombo, John Robert, editor

Willer, Jim

Passion Play
Stewart, Sean

Phoenix Without Ashes
Bryant, Edward and Harlan Ellison

Pour la patrie
Tardivel, Jules-Paul

Les Princes
Benoit, Jacques

Quand vient la nuit
Sernine, Daniel

Quatre Montréalais en l'an 3000
Martel, Suzanne

The Republic

Le Ressuscité de l'Atlantide
Trudel, Jean-Louis

The Running Man
Ruddy, Jon

R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots): A Fantastic Melodrama
Capek, Karel

Selected Tales of Jacques Ferron
Ferron, Jacques, Betty Bednarski, translator

Shoeless Joe
Kinsella, W.P.

Le Silence de la cité
Vonarburg, Élisabeth

Vogt, A.E. van

A Song for Arbonne
Kay, Guy Gavriel

Robinson, Spider and Jeanne

Gedge, Pauline

Station Gehenna
Weiner, Andrew

The Stone Angel
Laurence, Margaret

The Storm of '92
Lawrence, W.H.C.

A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder
De Mille, James

Gotlieb, Phyllis

Robinson, Spider

Le Temps des migrations
Pelletier, Francine

Merril, Judith, ed.

The Time Machine: An Invention
Wells, H.G.

There's a Dragon in My Closet
Green, John F.

Kay, Guy Gavriel

Les Tordues débarquent
Duchesne, Christiane

Un Trésor sur Serendib
Trudel, Jean-Louis

The Twenty-Seventh Day
Mantley, John

Un, deux, trois
Turgeon, Pierre

Utopia: Containing an Impartial History
More, Thomas

La Ville fabuleuse
Major, Henriette

Voices in Time
MacLennan, Hugh

The Wandering Fire
Kay, Guy Gavriel

Who is Frances Rain?
Buffie, Margaret

Moore, P.S.

The Woman Who is the Midnight Wind
Green, Terence M.

Zebo and the Dirty Planet
Fernandes, Kim

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Droit d'auteur. La Bibliothèque nationale du Canada. (Révisé: 1995-06-17)