Clinical and Investigative Medicine
Contents / Sommaire

Volume 18, No. 4, August / août 1995

Vancouver, British Columbia October 15 16, 1994

Symposium Editors:
Jean-Louis Chiasson
Robert G. Josse

229 - Introduction. J.-L. Chiasson and R.G. Josse

231 - Epidemiologic studies on the pathogenesis of NIDDM. M.I. Harris [abstract / résumé]

240 - Epidemiology of diabetes mellitus in Canada. M.-H. Tan and D.R. MacLean [abstract / résumé]

247 - The key role of islet dysfunction in Type II diabetes mellitus. D. Porte, Jr. and S.E. Kahn [abstract / résumé]

255 - Glucose toxicity: the implications of hyperglycemia in the pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus. L. Rossetti [abstract / résumé]

261 - Hyperinsulinemia and atherosclerosis. E. Standl [abstract / résumé]

267 - Biochemical and vascular factors in the pathogenesis of diabetic neuropathy. J.D. Ward [abstract / résumé]

275 - The pathological implications of protein glycation. M. Brownlee [abstract / résumé]

282 - Dyslipoproteinemias in diabetes. G. Steiner [abstract / résumé]

288 - Traditional pharmacological management of non-insulin-dependent diabetes. R. Tattersall [abstract / résumé]

296 - Implications of altering the rate of carbohydrate absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. D.J.A. Jenkins, R.G. Josse, A.L. Jenkins, T.M.S. Wolever and V. Vuksan [abstract / résumé]

303 - The mechanism of alpha-glucosidase inhibition in the management of diabetes. H. Bischoff [abstract / résumé]

312 - Clinical experience with acarbose as first line therapy in NIDDM. U.R. Fölsch [abstract / résumé]

318 - Clinical experience with acarbose: results of a Canadian multicentre study. N.W. Rodger, J.- L. Chiasson, R.G. Josse, J.A. Hunt, C. Palmason, S.A. Ross, E.A. Ryan, M.H. Tan and T.M.S. Wolever [abstract / résumé]

325 - The use of acarbose in the primary-care setting: evaluation of efficacy and tolerability of acarbose by postmarketing surveillance study. M. Spengler and M. Cagatay [abstract / résumé]

Future strategies in NIDDM

332 - Prevention of long-term complications of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. D.M. Nathan [abstract / résumé]

340 - Improving the action of insulin. P.J. Lefèbvre and A.J. Scheen [abstract / résumé]

Published by the Canadian Medical Association
Publié par l'Association médicale canadienne

Official journal of the Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation
Journal officiel de la Société canadienne de recherches cliniques

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