Quill on Scalpel / Plume et scalpel
181 - The response of critically ill patients to nutritional support,
J.M. Watters [full text]
183 - Canadian Association of General Surgeons' position statement on ambulatory care, W.G. Pollett [full text]
184 - Énoncé de principe de l'Association canadienne des chirurgiens généraux sur les soins ambulatoires, W.G. Pollett [texte complet]
Radiology for the Surgeon / Chirurgie et radiologie
185 - Case 9. Presentation, L.A. Stein
204 - Case 9. Diagnosis, L.A. Stein
Surgical Images / Imagier chirurgical
186 - Thymoma found during routine cardiac imaging, A.G. Casson, J.C. Kirsh
188 - Presidential address, 1995. Surgery 2000: a look back to the future, C. Heughan [abstract / résumé]
MacLean-Mueller Prize / Prix MacLean-Mueller
193 - An animal model of benign bile-duct stricture, sclerosing cholangitis and cholangiocarcinoma and the role of epidermal growth factor receptor in ductal proliferation, R.E. Cheifetz, N.L. Davis, D.A. Owen [abstract / résumé]
Original Articles / Articles originaux
199 - Small-bowel resection for metastatic melanoma, I.F. Al-Sheneber, S.H. Meterissian, A. Loutfi, A.K. Watters, H.R. Shibata [abstract / résumé]
205 - Chemical burns, R.C. Cartotto, W.J. Peters, P.C. Neligan, L.G. Douglas, J. Beeston [abstract / résumé]
212 - Effect of nutritional support on routine nutrition assessment parameters and body composition in intensive care unit patients, P.T. Phang, L.E. Aeberhardt [abstract / résumé]
221 - The efficacy of a computer-assisted preoperative tutorial for clinical clerks, D. Hong, G. Regehr, R.K. Reznick [abstract / résumé]
225 - Role of endoscopic sphincterotomy alone in patients with choledocholithiasis and cholelithiasis, H.S. Himal [abstract / résumé]
229 - Laparoscopic inguinal herniorrhaphy: appraisal of a cohort study, Y.-M. Dion [abstract / résumé]
233 - Lower extremity free flaps: a review, M.D. Wells, C.V. Bowen, R.T. Manktelow, J. Graham, J.B. Boyd [abstract / résumé]
Case Reports / Études de cas
240 - Hemobilia complicating elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a case report, J.-D. Yelle, R. Fairfull-Smith, P. Rasuli, J.W. Lorimer [abstract / résumé]
243 - Splenorenal arterial bypass in a child with Takayasu's disease: a case report, J. Noy, G. Lemermeyer, J.C. Mullen, F.L. Harley [abstract / résumé]
247 - Chemotherapy for desmoid tumours in association with familial adenomatous polyposis: a report of three cases, L. Hamilton, M. Blackstein, T. Berk, R.S. McLeod, S. Gallinger, L. Madlensky, Z. Cohen [abstract / résumé]
253 - Correspondence / Correspondance
182 - The Canadian Journal of Surgery and electronic publication
187 - Books received/Livres reçus
203 - SESAP Questions/Questions SESAP
211 - Notice of change of address/Avis de changement d'adresse
220 - SESAP Critiques/Critiques SESAP
228 - Notices/Avis
255 - Classified advertising/Annonces classées