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Add your voice to ours

The CCA’s mem­bers make up the largest cul­tural net­work in Canada ded­i­cated to the devel­op­ment and vital­ity of the arts, her­itage and cul­ture com­mu­ni­ties. When you add your voice to ours, you actively sup­port our mis­sion. As the national forum for the Cana­dian artis­tic and cul­tural com­mu­nity, the CCA is:

  • a national inter­ac­tive hub of net­works con­nect­ing the com­po­nents within the cul­tural sec­tor and with other stake­hold­ers in Cana­dian soci­ety and abroad around issues of com­mon interest;
  • an essen­tial provider of rel­e­vant analy­ses, research and capac­ity build­ing ser­vices that enable inter­ested par­ties and decision-makers to play their part in shap­ing a vibrant future for arts and cul­ture in Canada”; and,
  • a national cat­a­lyst in the devel­op­ment and improve­ment of nation­wide cul­tural poli­cies and regulations.

Who Joins the CCA?

  • Arts orga­ni­za­tions and cul­tural indus­tries rep­re­sent­ing every­one from cre­ators, pre­sen­ters, pro­duc­ers and con­ser­va­tion­ists to edu­ca­tors, coun­cils, fun­ders and unions;
  • Artists from all disciplines;
  • Indi­vid­u­als engaged in the arts through work, study, plea­sure, vol­un­teerism or philanthropy;
  • Advo­cates for a vital Cana­dian cul­tural sector;
  • Those inspired to have a voice in the future of the arts and cul­ture in Canada.


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