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International Affairs




Open­ing Canada’s Doors to For­eign Invest­ment in Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions: Options for Reform

CCA sub­mis­sion to Indus­try Canada

July 30, 2010


Pre­sen­ta­tions & Speeches


Why Main­tain the Cur­rent For­eign Own­er­ship Reg­u­la­tions in Telecommunications?

CCA pre­sen­ta­tion to the Stand­ing Com­mit­tee on Indus­try, Sci­ence and Technology

April 1, 2010




The Place of Arts and Cul­ture in Cana­dian For­eign Policy

Rachael Maxwell for the Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts

Sep­tem­ber, 2007


The MAI and Canada’s Cul­tural Sector

Garry Neil for the Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts

Octo­ber, 1997