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The CCA Team

Alain Pineau

Alain Pineau took on the post of National Direc­tor of the Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts in 2005. Before that, he spent 34 years within the CBC, where he held such posi­tions as radio jour­nal­ist, Man­ag­ing Edi­tor of French Radio Net­work News, Regional Direc­tor and Vice Pres­i­dent of Plan­ning and Reg­u­la­tory Affairs. Before join­ing the CCA, Alain launched and man­aged for nine years Galaxie, CBC’s for-profit pay audio ser­vice. He has an MA from Oxford Uni­ver­sity (UK) and has com­pleted stud­ies in pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion at l’École nationale d’administration publique in Mon­tréal. Alain has been on the Board of the Gov­er­nor General’s Per­form­ing Arts Awards Foun­da­tion since 1992 and served for many years on the Board of Opera Lyra Ottawa. He is cur­rently Chair of Sta­tis­tics Canada’s National Advi­sory Com­mit­tee on Cul­tural Statistics.

Anne-Marie Des Roches

Anne-Marie Des Roches was appointed Asso­ciate Direc­tor and Senior Pol­icy Advi­sor of the Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts in June 2012. Anne-Marie came to the CCA with an impres­sive back­ground. Hav­ing started her career at Radio-Canada in Ottawa and Win­nipeg (1979–84), she then became a pol­icy ana­lyst at the Depart­ment of Com­mu­ni­ca­tions (1984–89) and later moved over to the CRTC where she was suc­ces­sively direc­tor for radio (1989–94) and man­ager for French lan­guage broad­cast­ing (1994–98). In 1998, she returned briefly to Radio-Canada where she worked for the Office of the Vice Pres­i­dent of Tele­vi­sion. From 2000 to 2009, she was direc­tor of pub­lic affairs for the Union des Artistes (UDA). Recently, she worked suc­ces­sively as par­lia­men­tary assis­tant to the Bloc Québé­cois Her­itage and Human Resources critics.