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Lifetime Members

Hon­orary Life­time Mem­bers of the CCA are indi­vid­u­als elected by the Board of Gov­er­nors who have ren­dered dis­tin­guished ser­vice to the orga­ni­za­tions. New mem­bers are announced at Annual Gen­eral Meet­ings and are granted all the rights and priv­i­leges of a vot­ing mem­ber of the CCA.  There are never more than ten CCA Hon­orary Life Mem­bers at one time.

M. Joan Chalmers, O.C., C.M., A.O.C.A., C.C
Mireille Gagné
Joce­lyn Harvey
Myrna Kostash
Phyl­lis Lam­bert, O.C., C.Q., O.A.L., F.I.R.A.C.
Eliz­a­beth Lane, C.M.
Jean-Louis Roux, C.C.
Joyce Zemans