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Media Centre

Wel­come to the CCA’s Media Cen­tre. This is your one stop shop to find our lat­est press releases, use­ful sta­tis­tics and other information.


CCA : Call for interest

<span class=CCA : Call for interest" title="CCA : Call for interest" />

Last Friday, we put in place a caretaker Board of Governors. We will gladly receive and consider any serious offer to reactivate the activities of the CCA.

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The Canadian Conference of the Arts to Close Doors after 67 Years

The Canadian Conference of the Arts to Close Doors after 67 Years

Press Release   The Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts (CCA), the largest national alliance of the arts, cul­ture and her­itage sec­tor across Canada, announces that it will begin wind­ing down its oper­a­tions imme­di­ately. Founded in 1945 by a group of emi­nent artists, includ­ing painters Lawren S. Har­ris, of the Group of Seven, and André Biéler, the CCA has the unique man­date in the Cana­dian cul­tural sec­tor of pro­mot­ing the inter­ests of Cana­dian artists and of the cul­tural sec­tor at large at the...

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Decision Time

Decision Time

Issues and Chal­lenges for the CBC The CRTC hear­ings on the CBC’s license renewal will begin on Novem­ber 19th. It is impos­si­ble to deny that things have changed in the world of com­mu­ni­ca­tions in the 13years since the Corporation’s last license renewal. The broad­cast­ing ecosys­tem has been turned upside down. “We could already sense it in 2000 dur­ing the last CBC renewal. The CBC had begun to mark its pres­ence. But the last two years con­firmed the mag­ni­tude of the phe­nom­e­non,” says Pierre...

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A Controversial Request

For the past 40 years, CBC and Radio-Canada radio has been a haven free from the bar­rage of com­mer­cials typ­i­cal of most other radio providers. As it stands, one can lis­ten to music or the debat­ing of impor­tant ques­tions on CBC/Radio-Canada radio with­out inter­rup­tion. But fol­low­ing recent cuts intro­duced in Jim Flaherty’s 2012 fed­eral bud­get, the Cor­po­ra­tion has asked the CRTC for per­mis­sion to broad­cast national com­mer­cials over Radio 2 and Espace Musique air­waves. Accord­ing to the CBC,...

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CBC Calling

<span class="caps">CBC</span> Calling

Alright, I admit it. The CBC is a part of me. Like Obélix, I fell in the caul­dron of elixir when I was young. I was brought up with the CBC. I remem­ber Sun­day morn­ings in our liv­ing room, my brother and I play­ing while my par­ents read. We all lis­tened to Sun­day clas­si­cal music pro­gram­ming on CBC radio. And then there were tele­vi­sion pro­grams like Pépinot and Marie4poches… It seems so long ago! But it’s clear that the time for nos­tal­gia has passed. We have changed, and the CBC too. The world of...

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We Love the CBC But…

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We Love the <span class="caps">CBC</span> But…

It seems the old adage is true: everyone’s a cri­tique! In Novem­ber 2012 the CBC/SRC appear in front of the CRTC for the renewal of its mul­ti­ple licenses. In the weeks lead­ing up to the hear­ing, orga­ni­za­tions and indi­vid­u­als across Canada have been sub­mit­ting their opin­ions on the pro­posed changes to Canada’s national broad­caster. It is clear from the sub­mis­sions that Cana­di­ans love the CBC, but have very strong feel­ings on the way it should be run. The CBC is an inte­gral part of Cana­dian...

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Canada Council for the Arts Calls for Public Engagement in the Arts

Canada Council for the Arts Calls for Public Engagement in the Arts

Canada Council for the Arts Calls for Public Engagement in the Arts

In a discussion paper released on October 16, the Canada Council for the Arts calls for public engagement in the Arts. The publication was made at the Council’s Annual Public Meeting and accompanies the release of its Annual Report. The 29-page document, titled Public Engagement in the Arts, is an overview of current approaches...

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Canada’s 150th Anniversary: An Opportunity to Look Backwards

Canada’s 150th Anniversary: An Opportunity to Look Backwards

Canada’s 150th Anniversary:  An Opportunity to Look Backwards

After 37 meetings, spanning from fall 2011 to spring 2012, the Standing Committee on Heritage published on September 24th a 63 page report on Canada’s 150th anniversary. The Committee made a total of 19 recommendations to the government...


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An overview of cultural policy in the UK A Tale of Coalition, Cuts, Creative Industries & Cultural Olympiad

An overview of cultural policy in the <span class="caps">UK</span> A Tale of Coalition, Cuts, Creative Industries <span class="amp">&</span> Cultural Olympiad

In March 2011, the House of Com­mons Select Com­mit­tee on Cul­ture, Media and Sport released a study on fund­ing arts and her­itage. The report’s sum­mary begins with a state­ment which can be con­strued as this government’s cul­tural pol­icy platform: “Arts and her­itage in Britain are among our great­est assets. They bring great cul­tural and eco­nomic ben­e­fits and every­body should have access to them.” “Since the Sec­ond World War, most arts and her­itage organ­i­sa­tions have oper­ated on a mixed...

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Editor’s Note

Editor’s Note

“A man with­out cul­ture is like a zebra with­out stripes” (African Proverb) Our first fall Mag­a­zine edi­tion enters the sea­son grace­fully. We have another arti­cle from Denis Bertrand’s con­tin­u­ing col­umn on how to know your audi­ence… social media can­not do it alone! Is it really purely by coin­ci­dence that we have two arti­cles mak­ing ref­er­ence to the Massey-Lévesque Report in this month’s edi­tion of the Mag­a­zine? Obvi­ously, the issue is top­i­cal: it is raised by our fea­tured...

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