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Broadcasting & Telecommunications



Renou­velle­ment de licence des ser­vices de langue française et de langue anglaise de la Société Radio-Canada

Avail­able in French only

CCA Sub­mis­sion to the CRTC

Octo­ber 5, 2012


Group-based Licence Renewals for English-Language Tele­vi­sion Groups

CCA Sub­mis­sion to the CRTC

Feb­ru­ary 9, 2011


Open­ing Canada’s Doors to For­eign Invest­ment in Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions: Options for Reform

CCA Sub­mis­sion to Indus­try Canada

July 30, 2010


Review of Tele­vi­sion Pol­icy Framework

CCA Sub­mis­siom to the CRTC

Feb­ru­ary 1, 2010


Fee for Car­riage Model

CCA Sub­mis­siom to the CRTC

Novem­ber 2, 2009


Toll Free: Ensuring that Cana­dian New Media Con­tent Thrives

CCA Sub­mis­sion to the CRTC

May 15, 2008


The Role of the CBC/SRC as aPub­lic Broad­caster in the 21st Century

CCA Sub­mis­sion to the Stand­ing Com­mit­tee on Cana­dian Heritage

Feb­ru­ary 23, 2007


Irreg­u­lar Reg­u­la­tion & Cana­dian Tele­vi­sion Pro­gram Funding

CCA Sub­mis­sion to the Stand­ing Com­mit­tee on Cana­dian Heritage

Feb­ru­ary 23, 2007


Pro­posed Pol­icy Frame­work for Com­mu­nity Based Media

CCA sub­mis­sion to the CRTC

Feb­ru­ary, 2002


Safe­guard, Enrich and Strengthen: Canada’s Broad­cast­ing Sys­tem and the 1991 Broad­cast­ing Act

CCA sub­mis­sion to the Stand­ing Com­mit­tee on Cana­dian Heritage

Decem­ber, 2001


Pre­sen­ta­tions and Speeches


Review of Com­mu­nity Tele­vi­sion Pol­icy Frame­work: Putting Com­mu­ni­ties Back in Com­mu­nity Television

CCA Pre­sen­ta­tion to the CRTC

May 4, 2010


Why Main­tain the Cur­rent For­eign Own­er­ship Reg­u­la­tions in Telecommunications?

CCA Pre­sen­ta­tion to the Stand­ing Com­mit­tee on Indus­try, Sci­ence and Technology

April 1, 2010


New Media? Same Challenges

CCA Pre­sen­ta­tion to the CRTC on Cana­dian broad­cast­ing in new media

Feb­ru­ary 17, 2009


Safe­guard, Strengthen and Enrich: Review of the Cana­dian Broad­cast­ing Sys­tem Cross-media Own­er­ship And For­eign Ownership

CCA Pre­sen­ta­tion to the CRTC

Decem­ber, 2002




Broad­cast­ing Pol­icy — The Per­fect Storm: A Review of Broad­cast­ing Poli­cies in Selected Countries

Susan Deer and Garry Neil for the Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts

August, 2007


Own­er­ship by Cana­di­ans: To enrich the social, polit­i­cal and cul­tural fab­ric of Canada

A dis­cus­sion paper on the for­eign own­er­ship rules in broad­cast­ing by the Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts