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CCA : Call for interest

<span class=CCA : Call for interest" title="CCA : Call for interest" />

Last Friday, we put in place a caretaker Board of Governors. We will gladly receive and consider any serious offer to reactivate the activities of the CCA.

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Canada Council for the Arts Calls for Public Engagement in the Arts

Canada Council for the Arts Calls for Public Engagement in the Arts

Canada Council for the Arts Calls for Public Engagement in the Arts

In a discussion paper released on October 16, the Canada Council for the Arts calls for public engagement in the Arts. The publication was made at the Council’s Annual Public Meeting and accompanies the release of its Annual Report. The 29-page document, titled Public Engagement in the Arts, is an overview of current approaches...

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Canada’s 150th Anniversary: An Opportunity to Look Backwards

Canada’s 150th Anniversary: An Opportunity to Look Backwards

Canada’s 150th Anniversary:  An Opportunity to Look Backwards

After 37 meetings, spanning from fall 2011 to spring 2012, the Standing Committee on Heritage published on September 24th a 63 page report on Canada’s 150th anniversary. The Committee made a total of 19 recommendations to the government...


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Detailed Analysis of the 2012 Federal Budget: The Aftershocks Are More Severe Than the Earthquake

Detailed Analysis of the 2012 Federal Budget: The Aftershocks Are More Severe Than the Earthquake

Detailed Analysis of the 2012 Federal Budget: The Aftershocks Are More Severe Than the Earthquake

The Canadian Conference of the Arts (CCA) releases its detailed analysis of the Federal Budget from the perspective of culture and heritage today. The 2012-2013 federal budget is the first real budget from the conservative majority government. Readers may recall that last year, to highlight the consistency of its approach, the government reintroduced its electoral budget...

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The Reopening in Ottawa – What’s New?

The Reopening in Ottawa – What’s New?

CCA Bulletin 14/12

September, it’s the reopening. Activity multiplies; the members of parliament prepare for another session; the CRTC is holding public audiences this week on Bell’s acquisition of Astral as well as in November for CBC’s license renewals; the new seasons for theatres, orchestras, and dance begin; parliamentary committees will begin soon; and the universities return to classes.

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Audiovisual: BCE/Astral, a Transaction with Multiple Dimensions

Audiovisual: <span class=BCE/Astral, a Transaction with Multiple Dimensions" title="Audiovisual: BCE/Astral, a Transaction with Multiple Dimensions" />

CCA Bulletin 13/12

In mid-September, the CRTC will be holding hearings to study BCE’s acquisition of Astral’s holdings. Why is this deal important for the cultural sector?

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Federal Budget 2013: The CCA Makes its Recommendations to the Finance Committee

Federal Budget 2013: The <span class="caps">CCA</span> Makes its Recommendations to the Finance Committee

CCA Bulletin 12/12

On June 8th, the Standing Committee on Finance initiated its pre-budget consultations by inviting all Canadians to submit their priorities for the 2013 federal budget. The CCA submitted its recommendations today and hopes to have the opportunity to appear before the Committee.

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Five Supreme Court Copyright Decisions: Consumers 4.5 — Artists and Creators 0.5

Five Supreme Court Copyright Decisions: Consumers 4.5 — Artists and Creators 0.5

CCA Bulletin 11/12

Last Thursday, the Supreme Court delivered five judgments which have a considerable impact on the interpretation of copyright law in Canada. The Court’s decisions were based on the previous version of the Copyright Act, Bill C-11 not yet having been adopted at the time of the hearing, last December...

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When the Copyright Bill Will Be Passed and the Not So Positive Aspects of the Budget for Culture

When the Copyright Bill Will Be Passed and the Not So Positive Aspects of the Budget for Culture

CCA Bulletin 10/12

The Pre-summer Marathon has Begun

We really feel the end of the parliamentary session in Ottawa these days; it’s a race against the clock to break for the summer, either June 22nd or even maybe as early as June 15th...

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What are Canadian Heritage’s priorities for 2012–2013?

What are Canadian Heritage’s priorities for 2012–2013?

CCA Bulletin 09/12

May 28, 2012

The Canadian Conference of the arts is hard at work on our detailed federal budget analysis from the perspective of the arts, culture, and heritage for 2012-2013. For a number of reasons the task is particularly complicated this year...

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