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Current Priorities

The CCA is always fol­low­ing numer­ous cul­tural pol­icy issues. This sec­tion con­tains CCA pub­li­ca­tions and resources relat­ing to some of our cur­rent pri­or­i­ties. More items will be added reg­u­larly as issues affect­ing the arts and cul­ture sec­tor evolve. Check back often for updates and fur­ther information.


CETA– Com­pre­hen­sive Eco­nomic Trade Agreement




Time for an update!

Novem­ber 15, 2011


An allit­er­ated update: CRTC, C-470 and CETA

March 21, 2011


Canada/EU Com­pre­hen­sive Eco­nomic Trade Agree­ment: What are the cul­tural implications?

March 22, 2010





Copy­right reform: the Cana­dian cul­tural sec­tor calls on the Sen­ate to repair Bill C-11

June 19, 2012


Copy­right reform : the gov­ern­ment fast-tracks the process

Feb­ru­ary 15, 2012


Bill C-11, the Leg­isla­tive Com­mit­tee Has Been Struck

Octo­ber 31, 2011



April 30, 2012


Leg­isla­tive Com­mit­tee on C-11

List of com­mit­tee mem­bers and con­tact information

Novem­ber, 2011




C-32 Joint State­ment: Bill C-32 Weak­ens Canada’s Global Competitiveness

Joint state­ment by the cul­tural sec­tor on Bill C-32

Feb­ru­ary, 2011


Pre­sen­ta­tions & Speeches


Bill C-11: Copy­right Mod­ern­iza­tion Act

Pre­sen­ta­tion to the Sen­ate Stand­ing Com­mit­tee on Banks, Trade and Commerce

June 22, 2012