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Privacy Notice

How the Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts’s Pol­icy Pro­tects Your Privacy

The Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts (CCA) is com­mit­ted to pro­tect­ing the per­sonal infor­ma­tion you pro­vide when you sub­scribe to the CCA’s var­i­ous newslet­ters, become a mem­ber, enroll in its events and con­fer­ences, pur­chase pub­li­ca­tions or make a donation.

Col­lec­tion, Use and Disclosure


The per­sonal infor­ma­tion that you vol­un­tar­ily pro­vide to the Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts is pro­tected under the pro­vi­sions of Canada’s fed­eral pri­vacy leg­is­la­tions.  Depend­ing on the nature of the trans­ac­tion, the CCA gen­er­ally col­lects, your name, address (post and elec­tronic), tele­phone num­ber and pay­ment infor­ma­tion related to mem­ber­ship, reg­is­tra­tion in our events, pur­chases of pub­li­ca­tions, dona­tions, newslet­ters and infor­ma­tion mail­ings.
The Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts may col­lect demo­graphic infor­ma­tion such as your date of birth, gen­der and lan­guage pref­er­ence for mar­ket­ing and fundrais­ing purposes.


In order to deliver our ser­vices and infor­ma­tion, we use your infor­ma­tion to:

  • respond to your inquiries;
  • send you mem­ber­ship renewal notices;
  • pro­vide mem­bers with access to members-only on-line pages;
  • pro­vide you with our newslet­ters and brochures;
  • con­duct finan­cial transactions;
  • notify you of spe­cial events and conferences;
  • solicit finan­cial sup­port; and,
  • gen­er­ate statistics.

Sub­scribers’ per­sonal infor­ma­tion is pro­tected under the pro­vi­sions of the Pri­vacy Act.


Your per­sonal infor­ma­tion is not shared, rented, exchanged or oth­er­wise dis­closed to any out­side third party except where autho­rized or required by law.

The Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts uses exter­nal ser­vices and sup­pli­ers to assist it in var­i­ous func­tions such as pro­cess­ing ticket trans­ac­tions.  Through agree­ments with these part­ners and their com­mit­ment to pro­tect your pri­vacy, please know that your infor­ma­tion is man­aged with the same level of sen­si­tiv­ity as we do.  A con­fi­den­tial­ity clause that describes what type of infor­ma­tion is being shared and for what pur­pose is incor­po­rated in the contracts.

Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts  is a Reg­is­tered Charity

It is with con­tri­bu­tions from mem­bers, donors, sub­scribers and spon­sors that the Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts con­tin­ues to ful­fill its vibrant national mis­sion.  There­fore, it is rea­son­able to expect that the CCA will share non-sensitive infor­ma­tion from its mem­bers, donors, sub­scribers and spon­sors in order to:

  • thank mem­bers and donors and issue tax receipts;
  • invite mem­bers, donors, spon­sors and sub­scribers to spe­cial events and functions;
  • pro­vide mem­bers, donors, sub­scribers and spon­sors with our newsletters;
  • pro­vide recog­ni­tion in print materials;
  • solicit dona­tions;
  • gen­er­ate statistics.

Your Rights

If at any time you would like to access, cor­rect or add to your per­sonal infor­ma­tion that we main­tain, make a com­plaint regard­ing the man­age­ment of your per­sonal infor­ma­tion, or be removed from any of our mail­ing lists, we encour­age you to con­tact the Mem­ber­ship and Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Offi­cer at the Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts who will address your con­cerns, com­plaints and ques­tions. This per­son may be reached by e-mail at or by mail, tele­phone or fax (see infor­ma­tion below).

Mail­ing address:
406–130 Slater Street, Ottawa, ON   K1P 6E2

613–238-3561, ext. 11

If we are unable to resolve your com­plaint in a sat­is­fac­tory man­ner, you can con­tact the Office of the Pri­vacy Com­mis­sioner of Canada, at