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CCA Publishes its 2012–2013 Analyses of Provincial and Territorial Budgets

Letter from the President
The Canadian Conference of the Arts (CCA) is happy to meet its commitment to publish its Analyses of the Provincial and Territorial 2012-13 Budgets from the perspective of arts, culture and heritage.
read moreCCA : Call for interest
Last Friday, we put in place a caretaker Board of Governors. We will gladly receive and consider any serious offer to reactivate the activities of the CCA.
read moreNational Director’s Blog
This morning the CCA issued a press release titled, The Canadian Conference of the Arts closes its doors after 67 years. I don’t need to tell you how difficult it has been to write those words down and how we have tried our best not to express them. But there comes a moment when reality stares down the most hopeful outlook on things. It is seven years to the day that I was given the job of National Director of the CCA. During these years I have developed the greatest of respect for this organization and the...
read moreThe Canadian Conference of the Arts to Close Doors after 67 Years
Press Release The Canadian Conference of the Arts (CCA), the largest national alliance of the arts, culture and heritage sector across Canada, announces that it will begin winding down its operations immediately. Founded in 1945 by a group of eminent artists, including painters Lawren S. Harris, of the Group of Seven, and André Biéler, the CCA has the unique mandate in the Canadian cultural sector of promoting the interests of Canadian artists and of the cultural sector at large at the...
read moreLetter From the Chair
It is with great sadness that the Board of Governors of the CCA came to the conclusion last week that we have to shut down operations immediately. I can tell you that the decision announced today, while not a surprise given the known challenges we were facing, was most difficult to take...
read moreCBC Special Edition
CBC Special Edition
On the eve of public hearings on the CBC license renewals, we present a special issue including an interview with CEO Hubert Lacroix and an overview of issues facing our public broadcaster.
read moreDecision Time
Issues and Challenges for the CBC The CRTC hearings on the CBC’s license renewal will begin on November 19th. It is impossible to deny that things have changed in the world of communications in the 13years since the Corporation’s last license renewal. The broadcasting ecosystem has been turned upside down. “We could already sense it in 2000 during the last CBC renewal. The CBC had begun to mark its presence. But the last two years confirmed the magnitude of the phenomenon,” says Pierre...
read moreA Controversial Request
For the past 40 years, CBC and Radio-Canada radio has been a haven free from the barrage of commercials typical of most other radio providers. As it stands, one can listen to music or the debating of important questions on CBC/Radio-Canada radio without interruption. But following recent cuts introduced in Jim Flaherty’s 2012 federal budget, the Corporation has asked the CRTC for permission to broadcast national commercials over Radio 2 and Espace Musique airwaves. According to the CBC,...
read moreCBC Calling
Alright, I admit it. The CBC is a part of me. Like Obélix, I fell in the cauldron of elixir when I was young. I was brought up with the CBC. I remember Sunday mornings in our living room, my brother and I playing while my parents read. We all listened to Sunday classical music programming on CBC radio. And then there were television programs like Pépinot and Marie4poches… It seems so long ago! But it’s clear that the time for nostalgia has passed. We have changed, and the CBC too. The world of...
read moreWe Love the CBC But…
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It seems the old adage is true: everyone’s a critique! In November 2012 the CBC/SRC appear in front of the CRTC for the renewal of its multiple licenses. In the weeks leading up to the hearing, organizations and individuals across Canada have been submitting their opinions on the proposed changes to Canada’s national broadcaster. It is clear from the submissions that Canadians love the CBC, but have very strong feelings on the way it should be run. The CBC is an integral part of Canadian...
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