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The Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts National Arts Awards are pre­sented annu­ally to mem­bers of Canada’s cul­tural com­mu­nity who have made sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tions to the spirit and vital­ity of the arts and cul­ture in this country.

The CCA Awards Com­mit­tee chooses award recip­i­ents from nom­i­na­tions sub­mit­ted each year by the mem­bers of the CCA.


Diplôme d’honneur

The Diplôme d’honneur is pre­sented annu­ally to a Cana­dian who has made a sus­tained con­tri­bu­tion to the cul­tural life of the coun­try, whether through vol­un­teer activ­ity, men­tor­ing, patron­age, indi­vid­ual arts prac­tice or other rec­og­nized sup­port. It was first awarded in 1954 to the Right Hon­ourable Vin­cent Massey, then Gov­er­nor Gen­eral, in recog­ni­tion of the Royal Com­mis­sion Report on the Arts, Let­ter and Social Sci­ences. Since then, the CCA has rec­og­nized more than 70 vision­ar­ies and cre­ators of Canada’s rich cul­tural iden­tity. The award is in the form of a sil­ver tal­is­man designed by the late West Coast craft­smith, Bill Reid.

Diplome d'honneur talsiman

Past Recip­i­ents


Keith Kelly Award

Keith Kelly Award for Cul­tural Leadership

The Keith Kelly Award for Cul­tural Lead­er­ship has been awarded annu­ally since 1998, when it was estab­lished to rec­og­nize the lead­er­ship shown by the for­mer National Direc­tor of the CCA dur­ing his tenure from 1989 to 1998. It is pre­sented to a Cana­dian who has made a sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tion to the arts through advo­cacy work or the devel­op­ment of cul­tural pol­icy, or who has oth­er­wise demon­strated lead­er­ship in the field. The award is an inscribed medal designed by medal­lic artist Susan Taylor.

Past Recip­i­ents

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