Population and demography
Data from the 2001 Census population are now available. They can be accessed from the Census module.
Statistical Profile of Canadian Communities contains additional free information for your community.
To obtain a detailed analysis of population and dwelling counts from the 2001 Census population, consult the report A profile of the Canadian population: Where we live. Additional information for a wide range of geographic areas is available in the section Data tables.
To obtain a detailed analysis of sex and age data from the 2001 Census population, consult the report A profile of the Canadian population by age and sex: Canada ages.
Additional information for a wide range of geographic areas is available in the section Highlight Tables.
Ethnic Origins
- Population by selected ethnic origins, by census metropolitan areas (2001 Census)
- Population by selected ethnic origins, by census metropolitan areas (1996 Census)
- Population by selected ethnic origins, by provinces and territories (2001 Census)
- Population by selected ethnic origins, by provinces and territories (1996 Census)
- Visible minority population, by age group (2001 Census)
- Visible minority population, by age group (1996 Census)
- Visible minority population, by census metropolitan areas (2001 Census)
- Visible minority population, by census metropolitan areas (1996 Census)
- Visible minority population, by provinces and territories (2001 Census)
- Visible minority population, by provinces and territories (1996 Census)
First Nations
- Persons registered under the Indian Act, by provinces and territories (2001 Census)
- Population by Aboriginal group, by census metropolitan areas (2001 Census)
- Population by Aboriginal group, by provinces and territories (2001 Census)
- Population reporting an Aboriginal identity, by age group, by census metropolitan areas (2001 Census)
- Population reporting an Aboriginal identity, by age group, by census metropolitan areas (1996 Census)
- Population reporting an Aboriginal identity, by age group, by provinces and territories (2001 Census)
- Population reporting an Aboriginal identity, by age group, by provinces and territories (1996 Census)
- Frequency of language of work, by provinces and territories (2001 Census)
- Frequency of language of work, by census metropolitan areas (2001 Census)
- Population by home language, by provinces and territories and by census metropolitan areas (2001 Census)
- Population by knowledge of official language, by census metropolitan areas (2001 Census)
- Population by knowledge of official language, by census metropolitan areas (1996 Census)
- Population by knowledge of official language, by provinces and territories (2001 Census)
- Population by knowledge of official language, by provinces and territories (1996 Census)
- Population by mother tongue, by census metropolitan areas (2001 Census)
- Population by mother tongue, by census metropolitan areas (1996 Census)
- Population by mother tongue, by provinces and territories (2001 Census)
- Population by mother tongue, by provinces and territories (1996 Census)
- Population reporting an Aboriginal identity, by mother tongue, by provinces and territories (2001 Census)
- Population reporting an Aboriginal identity, by mother tongue, by provinces and territories (1996 Census)
Population components and characteristics
- Births and birth rate, by provinces and territories
- Components of population growth, by provinces and territories
- Deaths and death rate, by provinces and territories
- Migrants 5 years and over by components of migration, by census metropolitan areas (1996 Census)
- Population and growth components (1851-2001 Censuses)
- Population by census metropolitan areas (2001 Census boundaries)
- Population by sex and age group
- Population by sex and age group, by provinces and territories
- Population by year, by provinces and territories
- Population density, births and deaths for selected countries
- Population projections for 2001, 2006, 2011, 2016, 2021 and 2026, at July 1
- Population 5 years and over by mobility status, by census metropolitan areas (2001 Census)
- Population 5 years and over by mobility status, by provinces and territories (2001 Census)
- Population 5 years and over by mobility status, by provinces and territories (1996 Census)