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WIPO Treaty on performances in the audiovisual sector">WIPO Treaty on performances in the audiovisual sector

Actors and actresses are now demand­ing that their rights be enshrined in a Treaty. After the dis­ap­point­ment of the failed Diplo­matic Sum­mit of the World Intel­lec­tual Prop­erty Orga­ni­za­tion (WIPO) in 2000, Bei­jing will be the host of the next Sum­mit in June, which will most prob­a­bly adopt the new Treaty. Actors from around the world are say­ing : “It’s Time”.

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Canadian content regulations

The loss of Pierre Juneau, father of Cana­dian con­tent reg­u­la­tions served as the pre­text for a good debate on the reg­u­la­tions in the National Post last month. Marni Soup­coff, Lorne Gunter and Matt Gur­ney of the National Post agreed in large part that gov­ern­ment gen­er­ally should not get involved in the arts. They then argue that the absence of quo­tas in the broad­cast and music indus­tries in the U.S. and the United King­dom is some­what healthy. They also claim that “Can­Con require­ments look most ridicu­lous when you con­sider how many peo­ple now...

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Alberta: business and culture, two preoccupations of the Redford conservative government

by Tom McFall, Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of the Alberta Craft Coun­cil and CCA Board member The week­end of Feb­ru­ary 26 may prove to be a turn­ing point for Alberta’s cul­ture sec­tor. That week­end Alberta’s new Pre­mier Ali­son Red­ford and Cul­ture and Com­mu­nity Ser­vices Min­is­ter Heather Klim­chuk hosted almost 400 of Alberta’s cul­ture and busi­ness lead­ers at Red Deer Col­lege for an impor­tant dis­cus­sion about the future of cul­ture in Alberta. Cul­ture Forum 2012 gath­ered a cross-section of cul­ture work­ers, com­mu­nity lead­ers,...

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Alternative Federal Budget

The CCA par­tic­i­pated with the Cana­dian Cen­tre for Pol­icy Alter­na­tives to pub­lish the Alter­na­tive Fed­eral Bud­get. The AFB is a col­lab­o­ra­tive project between orga­ni­za­tions from all dif­fer­ent sec­tors to come up with a bud­get that reflects the val­ues of most Cana­di­ans. Read the sec­tion on Cul­ture and the Arts here.

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March 2012: Greg Hollingshead

Our featured member this month is Greg Hollingshead, writer professor Emeritus and president of the Writers Union of Canada (TWUC). Greg has published more than five dozen stories and essays in magazines and anthologies in Canada, the U.S., and the U.K. His book The Roaring Girl (Somerville House) won the 1995 Governor General's Award for Fiction.

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