Black Bear
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Photo Courtesy of Steffon McGregor

Photo Courtesy of Steffon McGregor

(705) 785-3095

The Black Bear is the only species of bear which lives in the Mississagi River region. Bears are generally nocturnal and very solitary, living alone most of the year. Their average height, when standing on all fours, is about two to three feet high, but when standing on their hind legs they can reach five to six feet. They can weigh in at between 200 and 500 pounds. If you ever happen to come across a cute-looking, playful little bear cub, you should keep your distance -- or better yet, leave the area -- because the situation can quickly turn bad. If the mother bear is nearby, which she always is, she can turn very vicious and attack if she thinks you are a threat. Bears can run over 30 miles per hour for a short distance, so the mother could catch you very quickly. However, as long as you stay away from her and her cubs, you should be safe. Black bears are usually quite calm, and only feed on berries, nuts, insects, eggs, fish, garbage, and small mammals if they can catch them.
Black bears are an important game animal in the Mississagi River Valley. Bear hunters come from all over the United States and Canada to hunt, staying at local tourist camps which cater to their needs. Black bears can be found in mixed-age forests, which are their preferred habitat.

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