
Weasels have been known as pests in the area for many years because they kill chickens and rabbits. However, they have also kept a good control on the mouse population.

There are three different kinds of weasels in the area. They are: The Shorttail, Longtail, and the Least Weasel. The Shorttail weasel is dark brown, with a white underside and feet in the summer. Like the Snowshoe Hare it changes almost entirely snow white in the winter, with black remaining on the tip of its tail. The only difference between the Shorttail and the Least weasel is that the latter has no black tip on its tail. The Longtail Weasel is also quite similar, except it has a longer tail, and a yellowish-white underside.

Weasels are active both at night and during the day. They are often seen in the day, for they are curious. Sometimes they will come right up to you, just to check you out. Their chief source of food is mice but they do go after other small rodents and birds. They are of great economic value because of their fine furs.

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