Photo Courtesy of Steffon McGregor
Photo Courtesy of Steffon McGregor (705) 785-3095

The coyote is mostly a nocturnal animal, but can sometimes be seen during the day. They are about the size of an average dog, with a grey, or rusty-grey coat. Unlike most dogs, the coyote's nose is more pointed, and it has a bushier tail.

Being true scavengers, coyotes prey on any mammal they can get their paws on, and occasionally hunt in pairs. Coyotes may prey on chickens and rabbits which is one of the reasons that these farm animals are kept enclosed at night.

You can tell if they are in the area by their high pitched bark or howl, which seems to echo through the night, often making the coyote sound cranky or hungry. Coyotes rarely attack humans; instead they are ususally frightened of people. You can spot coyotes in prairies, open woodlands, and brushy areas.

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